Both my husband and i like this game but really wish there was a co-op option so we could play together to help each other out in the quests.Wish Bethesda would add that to the game in the future updates.
Both my husband and i like this game but really wish there was a co-op option so we could play together to help each other out in the quests.Wish Bethesda would add that to the game in the future updates.
Presumably to see how like/dislike breaks down by age group (do "those crazy CoD kids" like it, while "old school original fans" dislike, etc).
Personally, I'm 45, I've played video games since 1980, including the original FO1. I'm enjoying it, haven't run into any major bugs. Is it perfect? Nah. Some design decisions I wouldn't have made, etc. But no game I've ever played has been perfect, or hasn't had things I'd prefer to be a bit different.
I don't like the options in the poll. I am 36 and there are things I like and things that I believe were terrible choices and implementations.
Things I like:
-Building out settlements. Fun addition and I've put hours into that feature.
-Stealthing through ruins. That's the main reason I play Fallout games - to stealth through ruins and blow the faces off feral ghouls. Side stories about corporate corruption are a bonus.
-The new modding systems. Love building out my favorite weapons.
-The legendary weapons. More weapons? Oh yea.
Things I don't like:
-My character's backstory and major life choices being made for me, and then the game beating me over the head with them so I can NEVER forget that I had this husband and kid. Terrible storytelling and Todd's agenda is showing.
-Bugs. Bugs. Bugs. I've hit two game-breaking ones. A critical piece of hardware stopped working after a certain quest and an npc I thought I'd be able to travel with won't leave the zone I found her in even though the quests completed correctly and the speech checks passed. Settlement resources bug out as well (food). I've locked up a couple times (Xbox One). There are some framerate issues.
-Perks don't seem to be as useful. I took the sniper perk but it didn't steady my aim at all. I may as well not have taken the perk.
-Dialogue is clunky. Activating npcs to initiate dialogue is frustrating, and the RNG with the speech checks was a terrible idea. I started quicksaving before every speech check because it's not actually charisma based. It's rng and I don't feel that's particularly fair. When you can fail a yellow option twice and pass on the third time, and a red option the first time, there's something very wrong with the system.
-Speaking of dialogue, are we in a Bethesda game or a BioWare game? The camera work during the character conversations, the like\dislike system, the ridiculous options when choosing what to say... I feel like it's an amalgamation of Mass Effect and Skyrim set in a wasteland. It's like this game is really trying to masquerade as a BioWare game but still kinda be Fallout, and it doesn't really look like either.
-Reuse of pretty much everything. I feel like for them to reuse so much in the way that they did, the game should have a MUCH stronger and better story than it does. When you consider just how much is completely recycled, you start to wonder exactly what they have spent the last seven years doing. It sure as heck didn't take seven years for someone to come up with this particular story.
Gosh, just looking at the list I feel terrible for posting here. It really does sound like I just don't like the game... and that's not entirely accurate.
In short, if there was an option: "I like aspects of the game but feel some design choices were unnecessary, terrible, and\or needlessly alienating to the playerbase" I would have selected it. It's not as simple as I like it or I don't like it. I like some things, strongly dislike others, and am utterly baffled by quite a bit. This isn't a Fallout game. This is a strange mix of a lot of different styles set in the Fallout universe... but it's not a Fallout game.
Of course, but it is far from my favorite - Also, does anyone else feel that this title is...''cleaner'' than previous Fallouts? I'm finding a distinct lack of the darker aspects of Post-Apocalyptic America.
No slavery or Slaver faction is one of the concerns - All of the towns are very clean and friendly. Remember New Reno from Fallout 2 and The Stables? Fallout 3 and The Pitt is another example. This Commonwealth Wasteland is very tame given the circumstances and I am not sure why.
Over 40 and loving the game. It feels different from Fallout 3 and not a damn bit like New Vegas (which is the best thing since I disliked that game so badly) but it is a great game. I can see how much work, planning and love went into the game. If they didn't already have "Cookie Wednesday" at the gamesas offices, I would bake them a whole shopping cart load of cookies to thank them
i like it but im also disappointed by the lack of options, by the remove of so mich good things
Pretty much same opinion as you said Souljacker, I would also include the environment.
I'm glad the poll used the word 'Like', cause I sure don't love the game. Trying to compare my first week with Skyrim to this game and it's a completely different experience. So much of FO4 just seems unfinished. I expected bugs ... though I admit I hadn't seen this many in a game since TES-Daggerfall. It's gotten to the point where [F5]/[F9] is being used way too often when doors suddenly can't be interacted with, my Pipboy HUD becomes invisible, etc. Some parts of the game are just NOT fun. They could be, but the interface and lack of any GAME MANUAL or instructions can turn the simplest of tasks into a bout of frustration that only kicking my cat can relieve.
But I 'like' it but only because I know there will be patches and mods to make it a better experience. Right now I feel more like I'm tolerating it but enjoying bits and pieces. Weapon/armor modding is fun now that I've finally figured it out.
I did not expect to see those poll results coming. None the less, I'm really enjoying it.
It's definitely family-oriented\friendly. Maybe it's because there are so many child npcs running around? I know that when there are child npcs in a game, there are certain rules that need to be followed. It's been too long since I've played the other Fallout games so I don't really remember if there were child npcs, but I agree this game is certainly missing things. Feels like this is Fallout: Focus on the Family edition.
Because it never suffered a nuclear holocaust, aka the bomb never fell close enough. Read the terminals from 2077 you find in many buildings and you will see that Boston fell to chaos that erupted when the world got destroyed, not by atomic bombs. Eventually, the things just calmed down and people tried to make the best out of it. It would be cleaner if not for... well, spoilers ;P
As far as color palette goes, it is due to difference in protags. Lone Wanderer is a kid horrified at the world outside while the Sole Survivor is an advlt who tried to make the best out of it and restore his/her old life. This was even confirmed by Bethesda.
In other words, the world is not the same everywhere and not everyone views it the same way. Whereas FO3 was about despair of the world lost, FO4 is about hope for a better future. Beth never keeps the same style and atmosphere in their games.
And IMO, it is for the best. there is nothing worse than hearing the same song over and over again.
But there is still a lot of dark elements to the game, which becomes increasingly obvious as you explore the world.
You had kids in FO3. You could even sell them to slavers.
Again, it is nothing about family friendliness. FO4 had a lot of gritty stuff in it, it just does not push it into your face. And to be quite honest, Washington and Pittisburgh are darker than most places in Fallout universe.
Besides, the nuclear Apocalypse is not as dark as some people try to show it. If FO was realistic, forests would still be there and they would be the most irradiated places around.
I'm 30 and really enjoying Fallout 4. I've lot a couple of hours building my settlements and have been doing mostly side missions, so I'm not that deep into the main story.
I will say that the game does get better once you hit Diamond City, I like all the quests that cane be resolved with non-violence that it opens up and the Railroad quests open up then.
The one thing that is annoying me is not being able to have Dogmeat as a companion along side another companion. I would've liked him to be a special case.
I think the voice acting is great & I like the dialogue options are more like paths and that the colour codes for speech checks allow you to try to convenience an NPC even if it might be harder for you to succeed.
I've being playing as a melee sneaky character which I didn't really enjoy in FO3 & NV but I'm finding alot of fun in Fallout 4.
This is also the first Fallout where I've had to genuinely think about how to level up, the most of the perks each level are so good, where as in FO3 & NV, I never felt like here was much a choice with perks, there was only ever one or two I wanted each lv, so it was easy to decide which one to get.
Bottom vote. From what I've played it, no, I don't like it for several reasons (not least of which being the continuing heavy move towards an FPS and away from an RPG the series used to be). The game, simply put, feels uninspiring and motivationless on so many levels (core gameplay, character systems, story, dialog, mood... and so forth).
I enjoy it very much.
Any game that can hold my attention longer than 20 hours without me moving - or wanting to move on - to another game is a sign the game was a good purchase.
Sure, it has got bugs and I ran into trouble a couple of times, but the game is good enough to not make me frustrated.
I haven't finished the main story line, but so far the ride has been pretty fun and in the end that's all that matters; whether or not you're having fun with it.
43 and really loving it so far. I think this is Bethesda's best game to date, and the best game I've played in years.
Average age of gamers today is mid-thirties. Age ranges in the poll are biased due to the tender young age of the OP.
Also, get off my lawn.
Like it, don't love it. NV was far superior. Hated 3. Hold 1&2 as the only true FO games.
The End.
Ageist bigot.
What about us in the 55 plus crowd.
Since it is the new age, I must and take offence.
I was forced to vote with 31 plus.
I'm 53
I've been playing games since my first Commodore Amiga back in 1985.
NV was my first exposure to Fallout and never before had a game so captivated me. I went back and played Fallout 3 after that. Didn't like it as much as NV but still liked it.
So far I'm quite happy with Fallout 4. The graphics and scenery are everything I'd hoped for. The opponents seem to be tougher and seem to travel in larger groups.
So far I'm only at level 11 so I haven't gotten that far into the main story line. Most of the quests so far have been "Go to place X and..........kill anything that isn't you".
I'll know more once I've played through all the way but I like what I've seen so far.
I'm all in with the a "No" vote. I Feel Fallout 4 is step backwards for the series. I mean who was their target audience 9 year olds ? Between the watered down text options, lack of any real difficulty, and the recycling of content I'm bewildered why any one would really like this game after playing Fallout New Vegas or more to the point Fallout 3.
My list of issues with the game
All to much the game hand holds you, guides you and forgives any mistakes you might have "tired" to make along the way. All while trying to dazzle you with a few mini games (modding,cooking,settlements) in attempt to cover up the lack of any really new content. At this point Fallout 3 upgrade to Fallout 4 in my eyes.