I'm sorta in the same boat as OP. I like playing this game, but I sometimes have to remind myself that I'm playing Fallout. As a game it's fun and easy. The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is smooth, the characters are interesting enough (for once) and most things seem to actually "just work". But it's not Fallout and there's a reason it "just works". Because Beth set the bar so low that of course it works.
It's like everything is handed to me on a silver platter, in case I'm an idiot and don't figure things out for myself. I mean, 3 minutes into the game I get a power armor and kill a Deathclaw...really?
5 minutes later I'm invited to join the Brotherhood. What?!
Then Beth slaps not one, but tens of synths in my face just to drive home the point that this game is about synths dammit! Which by the way are the most fragile beings ever and not at all the powerful robots I was expecting them to be. You kinda lose respect for them when it's harder to kill a bloatfly. Here's a hint: One powerful, stealthy, hard to catch enemy is more intimidating than 50 disposable synths. Think Terminator next time.
Every single mission I've been on so far has ended with me having to kill someone. I get it, you improved the combat engine and it JUST WORKS! Yes, combat is fun, but do you remember the early Fallout games where you actually had to investigate stuff and solve mysteries and use your brain and stuff? That's fun too!
At lvl 10 I also had more chems, meds, Stimpaks, Radaways, bullets etc., than I could ever use. Scavenging for survival or going to Walmart? Meh, let's just load up on junk from Walmart.
Caps? Oh, you mean those monetary units there are literally thousands of lying around?! The first time I made it to Diamond City I was already carrying enough caps to buy the house there and I hadn't even sold a single piece of loot. What a challenge, wow! Life in the Wasteland has never been easier.
And I won't even get into the ridiculously clunky controls because others on this forum has already said what needs to be said about those. Just wow, Beth.
I know it's an overused buzzword and I've tried to avoid using it, but... this game is SERIOUSLY DUMBED-DOWN. I'ts literally made for 10 year olds.