I feel I just kind of lucked out this time through - it happens that the voice acting fits my character concept just fine, and I usually go through these sort of games with a pretty open-ended backstory. I like to flesh things out as I go along rather than having a whole filled-out backstory before I even sit down to play.
I also generally prefer the Mass Effect-style dialog, but I play games in third-person when given the option and just kind of like having a voice for my character and some interesting cameras angles while people are talking. I also found the set up to the main plot quite interesting and it gave my character a lot of motivations. I'm finding no issue with roleplaying the character I have.
So overall things just kind of fell into place for me. Were I wanting to make a different character or wasn't interested in going along with the story then maybe I'd feel different. But then I'd be going into hypotheticals, and opinions are based so much in context and preference. I knew as soon as this feature was announced that it was going to be a love or hate sort of thing - it's a big departure for Bethesda and there's just no way everyone was going to be on board.
That said, I do have to admit that they could have worked on making the choices available a lot less vague. I'm starting to grok that the upper choice is usually "more info," the left-hand side is sarcastic or non-committal, etc and even then - yes it can be hard to figure out what you're going to say. I don't generally worry about specifically what my character is going to say, but I'd like to have more info to make these choices usually. There's plenty of screen space, not every option needs to be arbitrarily limited to two or three words if you need more to place these comments in context.
And to be honest, I probably wouldn't have minded some color-coding or other ancillary information about the choices I'm about to pick so as to make a more informed decision. (Would have made a great Charisma Perk at the very least.)