Just curious because I have a fun idea in mind which is a secret until release! But feel free to explain what type of guild you'll create or want to join.
Just curious because I have a fun idea in mind which is a secret until release! But feel free to explain what type of guild you'll create or want to join.
I voted other because Guilds do not have to be so specific.
A little bit of everything depending on who is online at the time
Other. a guild that nobody talks with each other first one that talks after a long time just should give his/her all items to guild or a guild collecting all flowers and not fighting just wondering around and collect some flowers.
@Chriswsm, that is true but lots of people are specific when it comes to clans and guilds an stuff, so that's why I added the "Other" option
However though, I wanted to steer a little bit away from a fighting-type of guild because there's going to be plenty of fighting and my idea has a pretty cool name though, just not exactly how it'll work with the game.
I classify guilds according to
1) the type of people they have in them (relaxed vs competitive, older vs younger, grimly serious vs lighthearted, etc)
2) the gameplay activities they support (leveling/questing/PvE, roleplay, PvP, dungeons, AZ/raiding, crafting, combinations)
I wouldn't think you'd WANT a guild made up of people who all want to play the same class or role The whole point of a guild is complementarity.
when i play, i hope to join a guild that does what i want to do. that is adventure, exploring is always my favorite part of elderscrolls games. also maybe an RP guild.
Other. Scholar RP guild.
Edit: Changed my vote to "RP-type of guild"
i think u should add RP to the poll choices
End-game PvE guild like all the other guilds I have led.
I once tried a thematic guild; I didn't really have the investment for it so ended up dragging it down. I'm mostly a bit of everything person so if I lead a guild it will end up reflecting that at some point.
If I theoretically could handle it I'd love a "dark" guild, something that prefers warlocks, thieves, assassins, dark magic, necromancy, etc. Essentially people would very likely have to be Nightblades or Sorcs heavily invested in the Dark Magic tree to participate.
The problem with this type of theme in other games is that very often healing means pretty happy lights.