IDK, like every time I play I generally run for the red dots on my radar and assume my teammates are too but sometimes I play in matches where it feels like the opposing team is running around the map in a giant mob and even when I make it to the red dot im facing a swarm of enemies and none of my teammates are anywhere to be found. How do I correct this? Is it a better strategy to instead of attacking the enemies on your map alone, to try and group with your team mates and roll with them?
Either you were constantly tagged by someone from the enemy teams or you should try to tag them... if they moving in one group and your team mates can see this - you only need 1 or 2 jaw's to make some points

Always tag enemys as much as you can so the other could help you.
I was tagging everybody yesterday in a few matches and boy... that really help me and folks from my team very much

And some of them were only moving + killing those tagged ones