» Sun May 05, 2013 9:49 am
You may be technically correct but if I was the kind of person that was good at technology and wanted to be worried about requirements I would have gotten a gaming pc.
Part of the reason I chose to purchase a console is that I dont have to deal with requirements then.
Thats the whole console deal, one machine, fits all discs (used to be cartridges) fit for that machine.
I have never come across a game before that was made for the xbox only then I couldnt play it on the xbox.
Its not an unreasonable assumption to make from a consumers point of view that if you sell a piece of hardware designed to work with software that is specifically designed for this machine and sold piecemeal, that this software (games) then actually runs on this machine.
If there are any further requirements to be met in order to use the software then this should be put on a place where the consumer can clearly see this, especially since this is a highly unusual circumstance.
Never in 20 years of console gaming have I not been able to use the cartridge, disc, whatever on the hardware due to additional requirements that are not immediately obvious.
Such as "Game Title: Online" (requires xbox live) displayed on the cover.
The only thing this GoTY cover says is "storage accessory required" in the bottom corner on the front.
I have a storage accessory, an USB-stick, that works perfectly fine to use any other dlc content with.
Content found on discs such as with Mass Effect or content that requires online activation, such as for instance Dragon Age.
Both Skyrim DLC's purchased from xbox live and downloaded to USB without any difficulty.
So, due to past experience with related products the 'storage accessory required' did not indicate there would be a problem with my particular set-up.
Only when it was too late and I found it would not work did I scan the package and indeed it says on the back in tiny print next to a tiny icon 'hard disc required'. Mustard after the meal.
In conclusion, since this is a highly unusual arrangement, especially for a console who's whole schtick is that any disc for that console works on that console, no fuss, no hassle, I feel well and truly shafted.
Enticed to buy expensive software that I have no hope of ever using half its contents of with no warning in an obvious place that there are extraneous requirements.
I feel like Ive gotten a cat in the bag or have suffered a bait-and-switch.