» Tue May 17, 2011 6:15 am
Playing my new small guns user, rigged for survival and marathons of combat and long-range travel...
1. Hunting rifle. Far more common than the sniper rifle, uses very common ammo, and is easy to repair. Has pretty decent hitting power, too.
2. SMG / Ultra SMG. Again, ludicrously common ammo type and very easy to get parts for maintenance. Short burst or empty-the-magazine, both have respectable stopping power, if short ranged.
3. Chinese officers sword. Contrary to what the game shows, one does not need a second sword to maintain a blade. A whetstone, some oil and a rag do just fine. Longer and harder hitting than a knife, but short enough to use in very close quarters. Added bonus: I'm actually a pretty deadly swordsman in real life, so I'd completely dominate all those melee raiders out there.
For armor, I'd go with and stick with Leather armor. It's a poor man's combat armor, but it's stupidly easy to get whole new sets or simply repair it with scraps. I'd demand a more sectioned briastplate style rather than the reinforced jacket style.