Correction, those who generally like Fallout 3 will say this (such as myself). Those who dislike Fallout 3 generally say the setting was terrible (200 years after, doesn't make sense etc.)
Ehhhh, that's iffy. I started the series with Fallout 3, and found the setting superb, played the originals last summer, was amazed at how advanced the post-war world was and it was before Fallout 3's events. But I justify D.C. as being 'just after the war' because:
It didn't have the BoS until what, 20 years ago?
Tenpenny is a snob who doesnt care about the people around him, just hiding in his penthouse because he dikeed over alot of people. ALOT.
Vault citizens by and large didn't make it IN their Vault's let alone out the Vault's front door.
Most ghouls are feral or reclusive because of their condition.
By and large, many people are uneducated. I'd say a sixth grade level at most. Plus there is no one big bad faction saying 'Alright, you start hurting people, you get your butt kicked.'
@People saying F3's story is better because it's more personal- It's like I said, for those who like the story, they probably enjoy more family/friend oriented quests. I enjoy the idea of technological progress and economic reconstruction for society. I prefer fixing the bigger picture as opposed to every pixel in the picture.