Where is the both option?
Did it get eaten by the Oblivion Gate?

... There is no both because the question is "Do you read up on the wikia".
It's either Yes or No.
And if you're a fallout fan then of course you play the game(s).
No, I don't.
I form my own opinions. Obviously, I am open to discussing my opinions online (hence posting in this forum); however, I don't just want to sit around reading other people's opinions all day. Besides, I'm time limited and have to pick and choose where I spend my free time. I have had more spare time recently and was looking something up when I came across these forums and decided to take a look. In the near future, that may change and I may disappear.
The wikia as far as I understand is written about facts.
It's all told from an objective standpoint.
My point still stands, that The best sources are word of bethesda, and primary source material. Ausir and anyone else is neither. Ausir may have done translation, but in that case he is the equivalent of someone who read everything in the game.
So just cause
you don't trust Ausir because of your time with UESP means everything on the
cakewikia is a lie.