I remember bits and pieces of my first-ever time playing, almost exactly 2 years ago.
I was bored with all my PS2 games, and frustrated because I had never found a reallly good (and true) RPG on the PS2. Wel, there was Baldur's Gate and Champions of Norrath, but both of those are linear, and I didn't feel like playing them
again. Lol. I had some money saved and decided to check out if anything was worth buying on the PS3. I went to www.gamerevolution.com and literally thru all their PS3 game reviews, starting with the letter "A". I'm not sure if Assassin's Creed was out yet, but i'm guessing not because i certainly would have bought it if it was.
So I went from A to B to C to D....finally got to "T". There's an RPG with a grade of A-. hmm, wonder what that's all about.
So I read the review, and within an hour (no joke) I had my brand-new PS3 and TES: IV. Rushed home.
I really don't remember much of my first game...I had no idea what was happening when a skill leveled-up, for instance. I was jsut blown away at the graphics, the free-form feeling. The interaction with all the various objects, and OH, the combat!
My first character was "Lady Anne" because I coulnd't think of a better name!

I got her as far as delivering the Amulet in Chorrol, then I decided to just start all over with a new character. Lady Anne was sort of a trial-run I guess. I REALLY wish I still had her gamesave, though...I'm curious at what she looked like.