1) You get some experience on your side, plus it's a good learning curve
2) There are no risks of having someone else mess up your system with their mods (i.e. incompatibility issues with patches)
3) Safety. I have heard (through friends) that viruses can be sent via mods so you must be very careful where you get them from (i.e. only through trusted sources). You can guarantee your own safety though by self-modding
4) You can make the game EXACTLY as YOU want it, not someone elses ''ideal''
The above really applies to editing levelled lists, generic companions and modding weapons/armour.
In regards to things that are bigger projects, like creating whole towns or landscapes, then I can see the appeal of mods.
But generally, I just think it's a little lazy to rely on other mods when it's far better to teach yourself. Obviously, it is always good to have a mass of tutorials to rely on, as self-modding is difficult without any resources.
So, 2 questions:
1) Which do you prefer, self-modding or using other peoples' mods?
2) Do you agree that simple edits are better to learn yourself or would you take the lazier approach of just downloading everything (i.e. even simple changes to remove borders in the ini file)?
Wow, your post is, um, a little slanted. Particularly question 2 which directly implies that people who download mods are lazy.
First, I strong disagree with a couple of your "benefits." I've downloaded literally hundreds and hundreds of mods and I've never once gotten a virus. Perhaps your friend's virus is coming from another source?
Second, it's equally easy - and arguably more easy - to mess up your install trying to mod something you don't understand on your own. If you doubt me, just read back through the threads on the modding forum here. Since Oblivion doesn't tolerate multiple installs (like Morrowind) you can't mod in one install, while protecting another install, so if you make a mistake, it directly affects your game.
Besides, if a person learns to install mods using tools like OMM or Wrye Bash, then they can remove mods easily that mess up their install. (And speaking of lazy, consider the number of people who try to install mods but refuse to learn to use those two tools ... )
Third, I have a lot going on in my life. I go to school full-time, I write every day, I work 35 hours a week. There is no way in this lifetime and probably the next I'll ever, ever, ever have enough free time to make a mod like OOO, FCOM, Unique Landscapes, etc. I mean, seriously? Consider how much time and effort (years now, actually) went into mods like MMM and FCOM. No, I'll download the mods and express my gratitude to those that made them.
That said, I've used made my own mods when I have the time and when there isn't a better mod already made. But, no, I won't spend years learning to use a tool that is directly related to one game and one game only. I'd rather spend years learning to use tools like Photoshop or Illustrator, which have a much broader application.
~ Dani ~