You’re Service Record & Custom Class

Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:52 am

You’re Service Record & the Custom Class that achieved it

hey dudes I was bored and had a lot of time so I got this idea, so here’s my Service Record what’s yours?

Kills: 21039 (Playing with awesome people!)
Deaths: 5702 (I could do better if game picks better host)
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.70 (This jumped as soon as I started playing with people from the forums! Special Thanks!)
Longest Kill Streak: 54 (I really don’t remember this?? or how it happened)
Headshots: 8389 (I aim for the top part of the body for more dmg bonus)
Skill Kills: 8996 (No comment lol)
Assists: 2404 (I tag 4-5 people per game if their too far for me to shot)
Melee Kills: 2866 (This is a new intervention to me, only started punching peeps recently)
Dog Tags Collected: 18789 (Retriever baby I have it on almost every class)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.46 (I play alot by myself so this has being going down cus of bad team mates)

World Rank

Kills: 11th in the world
Wins: 8th in the world

This is how I achieved these stats with the below Custom Classes

I use this on Small Maps

Class Name: SMG Scout (Run & Gun Baby keep moving)
Primary Weapon: Feline, Reflex Sight, Suppressor & Extended Magazine
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhancer III
Power Module: Retriever III

I use this on Large Maps

Class Name: Assault Scarab (Ideal for mid range combat keep on the move)
Primary Weapon: Scarab, Reflex Sight, Suppressor & Extended Magazine
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhancer III
Power Module: Retriever III

I’ve created a Class just for Maximum Nanosuit

Class Name: Maximum Nanosuit (normal I build up by using another class then once I get max nanosuit I die and switch to this one)
Primary Weapon: MK.60 MOD, Reflex Sight, Extended Magazine (High Power & you don’t wanna reload in Max Nanosuit)
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Nano Recharge III (helps health regen if you find cover because of the Crytek nerf)
Stealth Module: Visor Enhance III (The Enemy stick out like a sore thumb, see them coming from miles)
Power Module: Retriever III (once I get Max Nanosuit this guaranties I’ll get it 2-3 a game)

Feel free to Copy and Paste my format and add your own details to it, I also please ask to be truthful it’s not a competition. This took me a long time so you may wanna tag this thread and come back later and paste your details.

I hope these classes help you, let me know your feedback

Edit: UPDATED 24/5/11

Guys please keep these clean!!

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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:58 am

Man, that 46 killstreak, you could do better mate, you disappointed me.

Man, I didnt notice before now the special thanks, you are very welcome, good sir. Consider my previous statement retracted.

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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:59 am

No comment
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:43 am

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Kelly John
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:17 am

Just kidding, man, I wish I had a Killstreak that high.

I wont be back on my xbox in a couple of days, but when I do, I will contribute to this topic by adding my own service record.
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Becky Cox
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:58 am

M60 MOD 0 w/ Extended Mag / Reflex Site

This Mother trucker turns C.E.L.L Suits into tire rubber... >:)
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:54 am


This is my new account, I cannot log into my old account to save my life and have no idea if I've been suspended/banned (for what I do not know) or there is an error on the website as I cannot log into to my PM's to find out what I've done wrong and I haven't received any e-mails from mods to my registered e-mail address.

I would tell you my stats but my brother played the game over the weekend and seriously destroyed them lol

Went from a 14.20 win/loss ratio in Instant Action (71 wins/5 losses, a couple of losses were due to late matches/failed host migrations), but now it's 4.4 something LOL. He also destroyed my KD from 3.72 to about 3.50 or something. Not really bothered about stats as I'm going to reboot for the last time (my 5th reboot) and then I will just buy another gamertag for him to play on lol

Will update when in a couple of weeks once I restart (have exams to do atm)

Good Luck bro, hope you do your best
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:18 am

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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:52 am

I actually wrote down most of my stats right before each reboot at the house, and they vary wildly lol. Hard to believe its the same person.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:52 pm

Kills: 6986
Deaths: 2221
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.15 (The game have been good to me lately, making this skyrocket)
Longest Kill Streak: 27
Headshots: 3261
Skill Kills: 3515 (I got skills, man)
Assists: 719 (No taking my kills, guys)
Melee Kills: 1275 (I swear, it is so damn effective I could really do matches melee only)
Dog Tags Collected: 5740 (Recently adopted Retriever on all classes, so none goes to waste anymore)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.17 (I have some awesome teammates)

Small map class, or "Fast and Furious" if you will.

Primary Weapon: Feline with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Secondary weapon: insignificant, but usually AY69
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Armor Module: Enery Transfer III (I cannot play well without this, as my silent predator playstyle revolves around me getting out of the area in which I get a kill very fast.
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III(No need for an explanation for my choice on this one, eh?)
Power Module Retriever III (This will guarantee a Radar up almost all the time, unless I get a good streak going, which I will admit I do get a lot)

Big Map class or the "....." I have no fitting name for this class, help me come up with a good one perhaps?

Primary Weapon: Scarab with Reflex Sight, Suppressor, Extended Mags (I used to use the Scar a lot before, but the Scarab has more controllable reccoil to me, but the suppressor is what seals the deal on this one)
Secondary weapon: insignificant, but usually the M12 Nova.
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III
Power Module: Mobility Enhance III or Retriever III depending on my mood. (Retriever serves me better, but the massive decrease in energy needed for powerjumping has made me miss Mobility Enhance when using Retriever.

Thats all from me guys, please do share your own Service Record and setups as well.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:30 am

I don't know really, I use a lot of the standard's they seem to do the job fine for me, unless I use my custom class which consists of -

- Assault Scope (Works for Short/Medium & Long Range - Though not ideal for attempting headshots on a 12" SD Monitor)

- Pistol Laser Sight (Only just started to use this gun as I kept getting killed by it a lot more than I could care to count, laser sight doesn't help, just gives away your position a little easier, which is good in some maps as enemies come around the corner searching for you)

M 17 Fragmentation Grenade
- Standard grenade for just standard boring kills

Armor Enhance
- Works great when you get into a sticky situation you need to ensure you can take down the enemy in 2 or less shots

Stealth Enhance
- Don't really use cloaks, don't see them anyway so I don't bother with it, I'm a sniper, so I don't need to hide

Loadout Pro -
- Never know when you might need that Grendel to take out someone/groups heading your direction
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:04 pm

Kills: 6986
Deaths: 2221
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.15 (The game have been good to me lately, making this skyrocket)
Longest Kill Streak: 27
Headshots: 3261
Skill Kills: 3515 (I got skills, man)
Assists: 719 (No taking my kills, guys)
Melee Kills: 1275 (I swear, it is so damn effective I could really do matches melee only)
Dog Tags Collected: 5740 (Recently adopted Retriever on all classes, so none goes to waste anymore)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.17 (I have some awesome teammates)

Small map class, or "Fast and Furious" if you will.

Primary Weapon: Feline with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Secondary weapon: insignificant, but usually AY69
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Armor Module: Enery Transfer III (I cannot play well without this, as my silent predator playstyle revolves around me getting out of the area in which I get a kill very fast.
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III(No need for an explanation for my choice on this one, eh?)
Power Module Retriever III (This will guarantee a Radar up almost all the time, unless I get a good streak going, which I will admit I do get a lot)

Big Map class or the "....." I have no fitting name for this class, help me come up with a good one perhaps?

Primary Weapon: Scarab with Reflex Sight, Suppressor, Extended Mags (I used to use the Scar a lot before, but the Scarab has more controllable reccoil to me, but the suppressor is what seals the deal on this one)
Secondary weapon: insignificant, but usually the M12 Nova.
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III
Power Module: Mobility Enhance III or Retriever III depending on my mood. (Retriever serves me better, but the massive decrease in energy needed for powerjumping has made me miss Mobility Enhance when using Retriever.

Thats all from me guys, please do share your own Service Record and setups as well.

Very sixy, your a Crysis God

I've linked my username to my gamertag so just click on my username for details, I'll update later
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Erin S
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:15 pm

Kills: 11300 (Playing with awesome people!)
Deaths: 3970 (I could do better if game picks better host)
Kill/Death Ratio: 2.85 (This jumped as soon as I started playing with people from the forums! Special Thanks!)
Longest Kill Streak: 46 (I really don’t remember this?? or how it happened)
Headshots: 5103 (I aim for the top part of the body for more dmg bonus)
Skill Kills: 4687 (No comment lol)
Assists: 1299 (I tag 4-5 people per game if their too far for me to shot)
Melee Kills: 1038 (This is a new intervention to me, only started punching peeps recently)
Dog Tags Collected: 10129 (Retriever baby I have it on almost every class)
Win/Loss Ratio: 2.90 (I play alot by myself so this has being going down cus of bad team mates)

This is how I achieved these stats with the below Custom Classes

I use this on Small Maps

Class Name: SMG Scout (Run & Gun Baby keep moving)
Primary Weapon: Feline, Reflex Sight, Suppressor & Extended Magazine
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhancer III
Power Module: Retriever III

I use this on Large Maps

Class Name: Assault Scarab (Ideal for mid range combat keep on the move)
Primary Weapon: Scarab, Reflex Sight, Suppressor & Extended Magazine
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Energy Transfer III
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhancer III
Power Module: Retriever III

I’ve created a Class just for Maximum Nanosuit

Class Name: Maximum Nanosuit (normal I build up by using another class then once I get max nanosuit I die and switch to this one)
Primary Weapon: MK.60 MOD, Reflex Sight, Extended Magazine (High Power & you don’t wanna reload in Max Nanosuit)
Secondary Weapon: AY69 Reflex Sight & Extended Magazine (DO NOT USE Suppressor)
Explosives: Jaw
Armor Module: Nano Recharge III (helps health regen if you find cover because of the Crytek nerf)
Stealth Module: Visor Enhance III (The Enemy stick out like a sore thumb, see them coming from miles)
Power Module: Retriever III (once I get Max Nanosuit this guaranties I’ll get it 2-3 a game)

I hope this helps yell and please keep on posting

Me & SGS_Walka_TRD who created this thread same person, this silly ID crap is very annoying now
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:01 pm

See, I've tried the Feline for run and gun (my style) a good few times, but I always feel it lacks the sheer damage of the Scar - which is also better over range.

Do you feline users reckon it deals more damage than the scar in the close/medium range? In my experience it doesn't, so what am I doing wrong? The scar is very reliable in all situations, to me.

Do you feline users ever shoot from the hip or is it always aim down the sight?
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Unstoppable Judge
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:29 am

Feline is useless when you have 1-2 bar connection.... don't use it unless awesome connection
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:19 am

Ok I've just hit level 50 and here are my stats.

Kills: 6145
Deaths: 1958
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.14
Longest Kill Streak: 61 (I know really high, helps that I got a 35-0 yesterday on TIA. I wish I could have recorded it :D)
Most kills without Reloading: 10
Headshots: 1844
Skill Kills: 2332
Assists: 188 (I either kill them or they kill me, no inbetween lol)
Melee Kills: 309
Dog Tags Collected: 5242 (surprised how high this is since I've ranked up power modules so haven't whored Retriever, I always go back for Dog Tags if I die)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.53

My Win/Loss and KD is low because my brother plays on my account sometimes. Before he touched it I had a 3.72 KD and I have a 14.20 W/L in IA (71 wins, 5 or 6 losses). I mostly play IA but I have been enjoying TIA recently I love single-handledly getting 25+ kills while everyone on my team goes negative and still winning haha

I don't have a favourite weapon. I like Grendel, SCAR, Scarab, Feline and MK60. I'm not a noob that keeps spraying people down with Feline I have 1000 kills with each of these weapons except Grendel so I can get skill assessment bonus xp.

IMO, The Feline is OP. It is very noob friendly and even very low level's can destroy me in 0.000001 secs if they can aim. I don't think they will nerf this significantly for the same reason Ghost is kept in COD; It gives bad players a chance to be a winner.
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:41 am

Ok I've just hit level 50 and here are my stats.

Kills: 6145
Deaths: 1958
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.14
Longest Kill Streak: 61 (I know really high, helps that I got a 35-0 yesterday on TIA. I wish I could have recorded it :D)
Most kills without Reloading: 10
Headshots: 1844
Skill Kills: 2332
Assists: 188 (I either kill them or they kill me, no inbetween lol)
Melee Kills: 309
Dog Tags Collected: 5242 (surprised how high this is since I've ranked up power modules so haven't whored Retriever, I always go back for Dog Tags if I die)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.53

My Win/Loss and KD is low because my brother plays on my account sometimes. Before he touched it I had a 3.72 KD and I have a 14.20 W/L in IA (71 wins, 5 or 6 losses). I mostly play IA but I have been enjoying TIA recently I love single-handledly getting 25+ kills while everyone on my team goes negative and still winning haha

I don't have a favourite weapon. I like Grendel, SCAR, Scarab, Feline and MK60. I'm not a noob that keeps spraying people down with Feline I have 1000 kills with each of these weapons except Grendel so I can get skill assessment bonus xp.

IMO, The Feline is OP. It is very noob friendly and even very low level's can destroy me in 0.000001 secs if they can aim. I don't think they will nerf this significantly for the same reason Ghost is kept in COD; It gives bad players a chance to be a winner.

Wicked staff dude, very nice your on top of your game
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:43 am

Ok I've just hit level 50 and here are my stats.

Kills: 6145
Deaths: 1958
Kill/Death Ratio: 3.14
Longest Kill Streak: 61 (I know really high, helps that I got a 35-0 yesterday on TIA. I wish I could have recorded it :D)
Most kills without Reloading: 10
Headshots: 1844
Skill Kills: 2332
Assists: 188 (I either kill them or they kill me, no inbetween lol)
Melee Kills: 309
Dog Tags Collected: 5242 (surprised how high this is since I've ranked up power modules so haven't whored Retriever, I always go back for Dog Tags if I die)
Win/Loss Ratio: 3.53

My Win/Loss and KD is low because my brother plays on my account sometimes. Before he touched it I had a 3.72 KD and I have a 14.20 W/L in IA (71 wins, 5 or 6 losses). I mostly play IA but I have been enjoying TIA recently I love single-handledly getting 25+ kills while everyone on my team goes negative and still winning haha

I don't have a favourite weapon. I like Grendel, SCAR, Scarab, Feline and MK60. I'm not a noob that keeps spraying people down with Feline I have 1000 kills with each of these weapons except Grendel so I can get skill assessment bonus xp.

IMO, The Feline is OP. It is very noob friendly and even very low level's can destroy me in 0.000001 secs if they can aim. I don't think they will nerf this significantly for the same reason Ghost is kept in COD; It gives bad players a chance to be a winner.

Whats your gamertag dude? Mines the same as my Crysis ID
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:16 am

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Elisha KIng
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:55 am

Hit ratio 3.......
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jessica Villacis
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:07 am

Kills: 10232
Deaths: 5066
Kill/Death Ratio: 2.02
Longest Kill Streak: 23
Headshots: 4123
Skill Kills: 4696
Assists: 823
Melee Kills: 195 (Assassinate, not melee people!)
Dog Tags Collected: 9081
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.91

Other Stats of Interest:
XP Breakdown:
Armor: 147,399 XP 293 Kills
Power: 308,619 XP 108 Kills
Stealth: 1,622,239 XP 9830 Kills

Skill Kills:
Specter: (Assassinations) 1648 (Not including those times when you get multiple i.e. double, triple assassinations the game gives you double, triple kill skills rather than Specters)

Primary Usage Class

Primary Weapon: Feline with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Secondary weapon: AY69 with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Explosive: C4
Armor Module: Enery Transfer III (Most levels) Proximity Alarm III (When not many players on the other team) Air Stomp III (Skyline) Nano Recharge III (Max. Nanosuit)
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III
Power Module: Usually Mobility Enhance III, really assists with the speed and assassinations)
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:06 am

Kills: 10232
Deaths: 5066
Kill/Death Ratio: 2.02
Longest Kill Streak: 23
Headshots: 4123
Skill Kills: 4696
Assists: 823
Melee Kills: 195 (Assassinate, not melee people!)
Dog Tags Collected: 9081
Win/Loss Ratio: 1.91

Other Stats of Interest:
XP Breakdown:
Armor: 147,399 XP 293 Kills
Power: 308,619 XP 108 Kills
Stealth: 1,622,239 XP 9830 Kills

Skill Kills:
Specter: (Assassinations) 1648 (Not including those times when you get multiple i.e. double, triple assassinations the game gives you double, triple kill skills rather than Specters)

Primary Usage Class

Primary Weapon: Feline with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Secondary weapon: AY69 with Extended Mags, Suppressor
Explosive: C4
Armor Module: Enery Transfer III (Most levels) Proximity Alarm III (When not many players on the other team) Air Stomp III (Skyline) Nano Recharge III (Max. Nanosuit)
Stealth Module: Stealth Enhance III
Power Module: Usually Mobility Enhance III, really assists with the speed and assassinations)

Thats alot of exp dude lol
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Deon Knight
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:36 pm

So I just rebooted at the start of the double xp weekend and I am currently at level 37 and just wanted to add my stats so far.

Kills: 1608
Deaths: 344
Kill/Death Ratio: 4.67 (Now this fluctuates quite a lot, as one bad match and it goes down a lot)
Longest Kill Streak: 29 (used to have a 49)
Headshots: 683 (I aim for dead center most of the time)
Skill Kills: 785
Assists: 134 (No taking my kills, guys)
Melee Kills: 377 (I swear, it is so damn effective I could really do matches melee only)
Dog Tags Collected: 1401 (I do not have a class without Retriever)
Win/Loss Ratio: 15.60 (I have some awesome teammates)
Accuracy: 35.58% (I have played enough to instinctively know when the killing bullet will be, so I very rarely fire more bullets than necessary to kill)
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Doniesha World
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:26 am

So I just rebooted at the start of the double xp weekend and I am currently at level 37 and just wanted to add my stats so far.

Kills: 1608
Deaths: 344
Kill/Death Ratio: 4.67 (Now this fluctuates quite a lot, as one bad match and it goes down a lot)
Longest Kill Streak: 29 (used to have a 49)
Headshots: 683 (I aim for dead center most of the time)
Skill Kills: 785
Assists: 134 (No taking my kills, guys)
Melee Kills: 377 (I swear, it is so damn effective I could really do matches melee only)
Dog Tags Collected: 1401 (I do not have a class without Retriever)
Win/Loss Ratio: 15.60 (I have some awesome teammates)
Accuracy: 35.58% (I have played enough to instinctively know when the killing bullet will be, so I very rarely fire more bullets than necessary to kill)

Raito 4.67................... DAMN
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:11 am

Longest killstreaks carry from game to game so a 17-0 TIA and 20-0 TIA = 37 killstreak
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