Ok, I have seen several threads just today where people don't like the game because it was too easy, or like the game but wish it was harder. In those threads, I keep seeing people say "Its your fault the game is too easy. You built a strong character. If you make a gimp it wont be so easy" This is the most foolish attitude I can imagine, and we have had it since before Skyrim with Bethesda titles.
You should NEED to build a strong character to beat the game on any difficulty past normal. You should NEED to make use of every item and skill you can, after all, its you and a follower vs 100's, 1000's of enemies. We have easy difficulty for someone who wants just the story or to run around in a tuxedo, bunny ears and high heels the whole time.
For the rest of us who want hard+, it should require building a character who can out fight, out think, or use charisma to convince people not to fight him, or others to fight for him. Perhaps a high int char should be able to build/modify a powerful robot guardian. It should require resource management, and careful thought into stats/perks. It should require thinking before running in headfirst. You SHOULD lose 3 or 4 times to certain enemies before figuring out how to kill them. If you don't put effort in, you should never see the ending movie. This is the only scene you should see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5QGkOGZubQ
Saying "role play a 1 end, 1 str, 1 agil no armor nothing but pipe weapon blind dumb and deaf gimp" to get a challenge is just stupid. There should have been 2 modes: casual mode (what the game is now) and normal mode where you actually have to put in a little effort to win, and NOT by gimping yourself.
Anyway, mods will fix a lot of it, and Bethesda will always make their games easy for the masses. Telling people who want a challenge to shoot themselves in the foot and then tie their arms behind their back to get it however, is stupid and ignorant. Some of us enjoy an old fashioned game where we need to put a little effort in to achieve victory.