But you have a map, it's marked, you know where are standing at this second.
Yeah, and some might not understand this, but I do not feel that I should have to use the map for anything that my PC would not need to use the map for. :shrug:
Its more efficient to see the heading and just walk in that direction.
We are talking about a game set in a time of horses, steel armor, bows, arrows and swords. We aren't talking about a time where you have GPS locators.
I agree (and while I am not suggesting this... we are talking of a time and place where a ring, gem or a bauble can be used as a magical means of tracking a friend, thief, or victim :shrug:)
It's all about immersion and having the GPS compass breaks that immersion.
Not for everyone. I could scarcely care less than I do about the simulation aspect of TES. :shrug:
If you want a pointer, let it point to your last known position and have that pointer disappear after 30 minutes of game time. That would be your "Memory" of where you were just at. Anything more than that and it's ruining the immersion of the game.
Why 30 minutes and not permanent? I might not need it during the thirty minutes ~and would more likely have a need for it in 30 hours.