Color me surprised that....since Skyrims release....there has only been two threads (TWO?) about this topic??? maybe I searched wrong but Holy Dragon Angels that's insane.
So with all that you know, will all the views you or your character holds, what would you do as High King of Skyrim? to spice it up how would you become high king? and what would you do once you achieved that station
I would use my Small army of Dragons to ursurp the throne, hrothgar would be my fortress and Ivarstead after some sprucing up would be the new capital sprawled across the lake and rivers but thats in the long run I suppose.
I intend to sway the Imperial and Stormcloak commanders to my side by negotiation or force of my will and thu'um (thank you Miraak) and if possible get a little help from the Dragon priests I haven't offed yet (hey Hevvy) I'd annex soslthiem again because forget those grey squatters, and I'd throw out the Jarl System, its antiquated and doesn't work in the Tamriel of today. Elisif and Ulfric will be in chains, nuff said.
I probably would have killed Delphine and Esbern by now as they are tainted with the belief that the Blades of today somehow have the right to be the Dragon hunters when they follow a Dragon in the form of man....or should be. but the knowledge of the blades won't go to waste, I'll seek out someone who's more compatible with my views and the capability to form a new blades faction.
since the Thalmor have absolutely no clue about the Dragons, much less how to fight them, I'll wipe out their outposts in Skyrim and drive whatever Imperial forces that haven't sided with me back across the borders, Stormcloaks go to the block, I won't tolerate fanatics.
The Dark brotherhood are an outlier and unpredictable force, I will burn them, the College will submit to my dominion or be destroyed, I won't stand a sovereign entity practicing magick and not answering to me. I don't feel you can reliably control the thieves guild or completely destroy them, but they need to be watched.
and I'll stop there