You, the High KingQueen

Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:57 am

Color me surprised that....since Skyrims release....there has only been two threads (TWO?) about this topic??? maybe I searched wrong but Holy Dragon Angels that's insane.

So with all that you know, will all the views you or your character holds, what would you do as High King of Skyrim? to spice it up how would you become high king? and what would you do once you achieved that station :D

I would use my Small army of Dragons to ursurp the throne, hrothgar would be my fortress and Ivarstead after some sprucing up would be the new capital sprawled across the lake and rivers :D but thats in the long run I suppose.

I intend to sway the Imperial and Stormcloak commanders to my side by negotiation or force of my will and thu'um (thank you Miraak) and if possible get a little help from the Dragon priests I haven't offed yet (hey Hevvy) I'd annex soslthiem again because forget those grey squatters, and I'd throw out the Jarl System, its antiquated and doesn't work in the Tamriel of today. Elisif and Ulfric will be in chains, nuff said.

I probably would have killed Delphine and Esbern by now as they are tainted with the belief that the Blades of today somehow have the right to be the Dragon hunters when they follow a Dragon in the form of man....or should be. but the knowledge of the blades won't go to waste, I'll seek out someone who's more compatible with my views and the capability to form a new blades faction.

since the Thalmor have absolutely no clue about the Dragons, much less how to fight them, I'll wipe out their outposts in Skyrim and drive whatever Imperial forces that haven't sided with me back across the borders, Stormcloaks go to the block, I won't tolerate fanatics.

The Dark brotherhood are an outlier and unpredictable force, I will burn them, the College will submit to my dominion or be destroyed, I won't stand a sovereign entity practicing magick and not answering to me. I don't feel you can reliably control the thieves guild or completely destroy them, but they need to be watched.

and I'll stop there :D

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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:01 am

Try and unite everyone together.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:28 pm

Prepare Skyrim for the inevitable conflict with the Thalmor.
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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:03 am

I'd make Ulfric Stormcloak my steward and highest ranking man in the army. He would make most of the decisions while I'd agree or disagree with his decisions. Ulfric would basically be the king but I'd be the one sitting on the throne.
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:07 am

Siegmeyer, as a humble follower of the Way of the Voice, is not the type to usurp any thrones. However, if he were king, he would rule as a true Nordic High King, with strength and ruthlessness towards his enemies, and honour and integrity towards those loyal to him. Similar to Ulfric in many ways, though he would personally treat the Dunmer and Argonians with more respect, and encourage his fellow Nords to do the same. Independence from the Empire is a big deal, and he would likely take the chance to extend Skyrim's borders to include Bruma if he could.

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Len swann
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:20 pm

I would help The Empire get ready for the Dominion threat, while trying to make peace with the Stormcloaks.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:31 am

This thread is about if YOU or YOUR CHARACTER were high king. Not who you would elect to be high king.

As for myself, I'd have to make a separate post, because I would actually like to think about this.

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Albert Wesker
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Post » Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:00 pm

Noble, but My Char offers no quarter. more inclined to accept his Dova Nature, embrace and fully exploit it. a dragon emperor, Skyrim is too complacent and broken for diplomacy, one side seeks comfort from the teet of its exploiter, while the other seeks selfish gain and misguided principles.

The man known as Ulfric disgusts me, barely scratching the surface of the thu'um and immediately setting out to utilze its power, at least my character had dignity and sought out more power, more knowledge and allies from/with the voice before exploiting it himself. they placed you at the center effectively during the meeting at high hrothgar (if you choosed the diplomatic solution) that is a fitting position and should be extended.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:11 am

Assuming that Skyrim is no longer a province of the Empire:

  • I would dedicate resources to rebuilding the Royal Navy of Skyrim so to combat the growing influence of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Use that navy to secure my sphere of influence, which would stretch from Daggerfall to Necrom. I may even have ambitions to expand it as far as Black Marsh.
  • Foster healthy trade and political relations with neighbors.
  • Establish new protocols which ensure that the Royal Army is competent in dealing with a diverse range of threats in a diverse range of conditions whilst applying a diverse range of skills and tactics in warfare.
  • I would also move the capital to Winterhold in order to restore it to its former glory and bring back of its importance. Plus, it's easier to defend. However, the icebergs could be a problem though. Maybe I'll keep the throne in Windhelm.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 7:17 am

M'aiq will remain with the Empire. Skyrim won't survive without the Empire.

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naome duncan
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:55 am

Personally, if I took the throne from Elisif myself, I'd just give it to Ulfric. My job is shock and awe, not taxes and law. But if I were the High King hypothetically speaking, then I suppose I couldn't be any worse than Elisif. So there's that.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:08 pm

Draugr army + Bend will shout + Dragon army = lol

Basically, what Miraak was going to do, but better.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:17 am

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 1:31 pm

Play Dragonborn.
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brian adkins
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:25 am

Hire the Brotherhood to assassinate Titus Mede II and implicate the Thalmor. Destroy the Brotherhood. Maneuver Tullius up the line of succession and put down the Rebellion with the least amount of expenditure possible (on both sides). Consolidate Skyrim's military might by imposing a mandatory provincial-wide draft. Branch out conscription efforts and focus on pursuing unorthodox assets like the College of Winterhold, Jorrvaskr Hall, Dushnik Yal, and Mor Khazgur. Send emissaries to Hammerfell and Morrowind petitioning for aid against the Aldmeri Dominon. Send Khajiiti and Bosmeri Blades' Agents to infiltrate the Aldmeri ranks. Have Dragons harass Aldmeri trade routes before the War.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:28 am

Take the seat of High King by force with the help of resurrected corpses (thanks Ritual stone) and put down Ulfric and his ilk, then once my power is consolidated leave Balgruuf or Igrod as High King and focus on taking the Ruby Throne with the help of all my new found allies.

Once that is done my character would pretty much immediately work on getting rid of the useless Elder Council and every EC member will be forced to be at the front line along with anyone still foolish enough to try to break away from my empire. No doubt at some time during this (unfortunately probably at the very beginning, when I'm still just high king but meh) the Thalmor will know to try to attack so the second GW will be started. I would guess that with the loyal people of Skyrim and Cyrodiil and if High Rock knows what's good for them their help too, coupled with my character's ability to control people and summon two dragons to his aide that we would pretty easily be able to drive the Thalmor down to Alinor, where they will be followed by my character and his forces until they are eventually extinct from there as well.

With the true threat to Tamriel gone and no more bans on any religions in any province the other provinces would come back to my empire either by diplomacy of by force.

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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:53 am

Lets add a little more to this, is their a faction you think that will oppose/cause you trouble? aside from the obvious like the Legion.

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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:00 am

I imagine all the bears would band together to for an Anti-Veronica faction and storm Solitude in an effort to kill my character.

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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:53 am

I dont wanna be High King, meh.. but i guess if i was, hmm.. i'd outlaw the Nine Divines, burn the Thalmor's embassy to the ground, hang Elenwen's lifeless body there to serve as a reminder for them and ban them from entering Skyrim ever again. relocate the capital to Riften, and make the Dark Brotherhood my right hand. and who ever i dont like will get assassinated.

My main enemies probably would be the Stormcloaks, Ulfric would already be dead at that point and they'll be history. ill side with the Empire most likely. unless they wanna force the nine divines on Skyrim though, in that case screw them.

I would also try to contact Madanach, and possibly give him The Reach back. since we've served time in prison together, but his lot are a bunch of crazy savages, so if they do some [censored] that i dont like or be more trouble than they're worth, they'll perish.

As for the Jarl's system, id probably keep it. but replace most of them, Balgruuf and Maven will be the only ones who will stay, the rest will all be executed secretly.

My allies would be House Redoran, since Solsthiem is close to Skyrim, and i might need the ebony. and Hammerfell.

The orcs sit on valuable ore mines, so ill send a messenger to each stronghold, telling them that they are required to work for me if they wanna stay in Skyrim and give me a cut of their shares in the mines, and fight at my side whenever i call for them, or ill burn their strongholds with them there and take it over by force.

AND at last, i would've said that i'd try to ally with the Thalmor, but theres no reasoning with them. so ill declare war on the Summertset Isles.

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Post » Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:55 am

(I don't know how quoting works here :P but in response to Omega)

Actually, Ulfric was chosen by the Greybeards when he was young to train alongside them, but when the Great War broke out, he left High Hrothgar to join the war effort. Hence why his Voice isn't all-powerful.

But, lets not start another Ulfric debate here :P

Yeah, it would be interesting if you could try to gain the throne for yourself, like how they did it in Fallout: New Vegas, but I guess Bethesda wanted to be evil and divide all of Skyrim-Fandom with our political debates :P lol jkjk

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