I agree, Nier does look awesome.

(Don't understand how anyone could complain about those graphics. The style is beautiful and the town looks huge.)
Umm, I seriously don't get why "Whodunit?" was such a great quest, especially for "when the game came out". Where do these claims come from? It's just a quest where you slaughter a bunch of people and they suspect one another - a classic whodunit viewed from the murderer's side. Yes that is refreshing and it is fun, but it certainly isn't very deep. Nor does it say anything about that quest's quality. In my opinion, they had this idea and implemented it in the most direct and simple way. It could have easily been better in many regards. For example, they could have set the quest in a castle. The NPCs could have had more health. They could have given the player the option to stage the killings like accidents.
I would have liked this quest more if it had been on a larger scale, mostly. Once you were in the house, it was possible to finish the quest in less than 5 minutes. It was a lacking implementation of a cool idea.