I was watching 4playerpodcast tonight and Brad (a host) said something along the lines of "when they release the new CoD game as they do every year, that they will probably use the 11-11-11 release date and that Bethesda will probably push the date to a later time possibly 2012." I don't necessarily agree as its pure speculation because 2k hasn't even announced a new CoD. Also its not like Bethesda to push back games, usually when they have a date set, you can usually bet it will be that day. But with only a year after the game's announcement do you think they can make their release date?
I think the game will be ready for gold in the late Summer, then distribution wrangling (giving QA a nice little buffer for any last minute tweaks before burning, packaging arrangements, etc).
Have we heard anything about 2k distributing Skyrim? And as others have stated, I don't think any other game will cast a shadow on this release.
The Friday thing is a little weird because don't most (all) games come out on Tuesdays?
Yeah, but Bethesda is just that awesome to just say [Cartman]"screw you, I do what I waunt".[/Cartman]