Do you think Crytek have a basic concept o pc gamers?

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:16 am

I don't think they do, either that or they simply don't care.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:56 am

What? Yeah I think they do, just try FarCry and C1. They just decided to go mainstream, cashing in the name they had made for themselves, by those games. C2 is the short sighted strategy, opposite to retaining the respectable name and quality in the future of PC market.

On another hand, disregarding all the technical problems, C2 is awesome for just another mainstream shooter. Maybe they get some usable ideas and experience from this, if they ever want to make a difference in gaming again. They won't be standing out like they did in the past though, and few will buy their marketing speeches.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:40 pm

Sadly, in my opinion they did support the pc more than others but i guess at some point in their development they though that it would be more, how you say, financially beneficial for them to just concentrate more on the consoles than the pc. I hate them for it but probably cant blame them for it. Just look at the numbers, Crysis 2 sold the most on consoles, primarily on the XBOX 360.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:34 pm

Yeah, excluding DD and all those who weren't satisfied by the beta and demo. Even though PC sells the most for a single platform, combined sales of two consoles AND those who want the port for PC would be the obvious choice. As it was an option, I just wish they had made a PC version and not just handed out the crown to devs who will, without a fight.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:00 am

They know how to make PC games. They just didnt want to this time around.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:23 pm

Sadly, in my opinion they did support the pc more than others but i guess at some point in their development they though that it would be more, how you say, financially beneficial for them to just concentrate more on the consoles than the pc. I hate them for it but probably cant blame them for it. Just look at the numbers, Crysis 2 sold the most on consoles, primarily on the XBOX 360.

True. The consoles are the platform video game companies earn their money with these days (if your not in the MMO business like Blizzard). PC's don't seem to be so "sixy" anymore even for most consumers and so the large quantity gets sold on 360 or PS3. So who could blame them?

Maybe there is innovations missing that bring people over to the PC again. But then again those innovations have to be financed.

Who knows maybe the times of the PC are indeed over for the majority of users as the image of a large plasma TV, a console and a couch are more pleasing than those of dusty PC innards, upgrades and a boring Windows OS. Microsoft's half-hearted PC gaming support surely doesn't help.

I love my PC and I dispise the last videogame year for so many games being released in a beta state (Fallout, Medal of Honor, Battlefield Bad Company 2, Need for Speed, etc.). And basic game features get cut more and more on the PC platform. I love Crysis 2 because apart from some apparent technical problems that are at least getting fixed, Crytek put a lot of love and detail into the game. It's a break from the first one, but at least it is feature rich and the singleplayer part was IMO a wild ride.

I'm curious on how the game sells in the upcoming weeks. If this one bombs I don't think there will be a Crysis 3 on the PC.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:26 pm

They do, however they threw that out the window with Crysis 2. It's an ok shooter but not $60 worthy and nothing near what they hyped it up to be (I.E. better than Crysis 1).
They blame pirating for the reason going to consoles but we are not stupid. They just wanted more money, which would have been honest to say instead of the lie Yerti spouted. It seems to be habitual...kind of like...Crysis 2 is a PC game first for example. They lied to get the maximum PC sells they could on day one, because they knew they f*cked the franchies over and people wouldn't like it.
They scammed us good, but that will be their down fall cause I sure as hell along with many others won't be buying anything more Crytek.

I dunno, been seeing a bunch of these articles...guess we will see.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:13 am

I seriously don't get American capitalist greed, as those is what has happened, I'm only 28 yet I do remember a very important phrase.......... quality over quantity. It seems that people are losing their marbles lately, quotes, oh you can't blame them and the like, the simple thing is you can, all in no matter how pro or con about crytek. What they did with crysis 2 was just pure greed,

They wanted cash and they wanted it now, what has happened to you to believe that throwing out sloppy broken goods is acceptable. Has standards slipped just because a suit tells u its good for profit ( no pun intended) what happened to u all to think it should be quantity over quality.

Do u all wonder why we have recessions and the such, its because if this type of business non sense. If any of you that are old enough that where gaming during the pre playstation days know that yes publishers and the like did make profits but for the biggest part games where made for the love of gaming. Not to further careers.

Do any of honestly believe hand on heart the crytek would of got away with this in 1995. No so why now
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:27 am

I dunno, been seeing a bunch of these articles...guess we will see.

I would like that. I kind of miss the "old days" when gaming was a bit more mature than just the currently oh-so-modern "You noob / I qwn you" lifestyle, back then when there was real competition, mature behaviour with people you play with, real teamplay, etc. And I didn't really encounter this mass of cheaters and hackers back in the days. At least that's what I think.

The PC could be the platform for the older enthusiast who has the money to spend it on a bigger rig instead of a console (not meaning consoles are bad - I'm just feeling to old for one having already owned some). I think there is a lot of money to earn in that peer group that companys don't yet realize. EA doesn't sell DLC for the PC version of Need for Speed Hot Pursuit for example. Me and my clan would shell out money for it, but EA doesn't want it obviously. Why? Because there is no such thing as an ingame store implemented (Crysis 2 has one as I noticed). That's where I feel let down as a PC game customer.

My friends and I still have our clan going on playing PC games and it seems the games that support this get less and less. I would love a "comeback of PC gaming". But I guess I'm straying from the original topic. Sorry. :D
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:14 pm

Crytek have a perfect concept of moneymaking....
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:15 am

Crytek have a perfect concept of moneymaking....

So do EA........Infact they have a reputation, just saying, might not be all Crytek's fault, although yes, consoles are the money making platforms.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:55 am

I seriously don't get American capitalist greed, as those is what has happened, I'm only 28 yet I do remember a very important phrase.......... quality over quantity. It seems that people are losing their marbles lately, quotes, oh you can't blame them and the like, the simple thing is you can, all in no matter how pro or con about crytek. What they did with crysis 2 was just pure greed,

They wanted cash and they wanted it now, what has happened to you to believe that throwing out sloppy broken goods is acceptable. Has standards slipped just because a suit tells u its good for profit ( no pun intended) what happened to u all to think it should be quantity over quality.

Do u all wonder why we have recessions and the such, its because if this type of business non sense. If any of you that are old enough that where gaming during the pre playstation days know that yes publishers and the like did make profits but for the biggest part games where made for the love of gaming. Not to further careers.

Do any of honestly believe hand on heart the crytek would of got away with this in 1995. No so why now

+1 to you sir!

This is exactly what pisses me off about this game and others that are being put out anymore. Friggin quanity over quality. It frustrates me to no end. I've sworn off pre-purchasing anything anymore after Eidos's Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Why am I still pre-ordering that (besides the fact that EA and Crytek are not involved)? They pushed back the release date three months, which is a sign they wanted to perfect things.
I guess I will see, either way they will be the last. After that I will wait, research and read real, non-paid off reviews of a game. Unless the game PROVES to me it is worth $50 bucks, i won't be spending more then $30 anymore on a game. Crytek broke the camels back for me. I'm fed up.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:39 pm

A very short sighted strategy indeed. You can build a reputation for years and then lose it in a moment like they just did. This was the last time i bought anything from them. Far Cry and Crysis+Warhead were good purchases. But Crysis 2 was one of the worst ever and i wish i'd never bought this pile of crap. It's nowhere near worth 39 EUR. It's worth 9,99 EUR and no more in a current form. It's that bad.

The game itself is sort of bearable even though the engine is outdated, physics are non existent, Ai is retarded, game design is completely linear and they could hardly make a more direct console port than they did here. It's their attitude that i don't like. They promised one thing (DX11) game and delivered something thats below any standard today. Also the way they fix bugs is just incredible. They fiddle and fix some pointless stuff no one cares about, yet they still haven't fixed my retarded sound bug. And bunch of other stuff that they said it was fixed 5 times and it's still broken. If you want to release some half finished beta crap, release it for free. Or don't release it at all.

I'm not buying or pirating any Ubisoft games ever since they introduced their retarded always online protection scheme. I'll do the same with Crytek. Whatever they'll release i won't care about at all. They lost my respect for them and my money.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:28 pm

As much as I have what crysis series has become, I would have to say that gameplay so fun with mouse...........Sliding in shotgunning, Jumping and shooting ur smg or if a ceph just dropped infront of u, just power jump behind him and shoot it with a rocket.

FPS are best played with mouse and monitor, anything else is a hackjob.

I wont say developer/publisher greed for decline of pc gaming. Its the stupidity of people. They are perfectly happy with gaming in sub HD resolution with a controller that barely works. Have u seen console monkeys playing crysis or halo and trying to melee? It looks like a mating ritual.

PPL thing paying $15 for 3-5 maps is ok and this mentality is creeped into pc gaming also. Look at blackops and its dlc on steam. On top of that pc gamers are now willing to pay $60 for console ports like DS2, DA2 and Bulletstorm?

But their is a bright side. THey are themselves diminshing their market share on pc. Look at tripwire.....they broke even just by pre-orders from RO2
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:48 am

@emperorcleon, u also have a very very good point as well, but with that the publishers and developers can be blamed still for exploiting and manipulating the simple minded folk with the whole dlc for £15. This may even be the reason why they aren't releasing the sandbox3 to perhaps after the release pc all the dlc for fear no-one will buy them, i know it sounds stupid and they have employees that where once modders,

I'm simply losing trust in any company which has shareholders due to the fact its about nothing else but money.

Also a very valid point but it does show crytek have sold out for money for another simple reason.

Look at blizzard, yes they're publisher is activision but they themselves have a contract in which they have their own say in game development. Why couldn't crytek, because they didn't want to rock the boat for more money.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:02 am

this was it though, thye had one chance to make a splash, they sold decent number of copies, but if you check console forums and ask console players, they expected something more similar to Call of Duty, they probably won't buy Crysis 3.

Also anyone else notice that in reviews for Crysis 2 they gave props to gameplay mechanics that were done better in Crysis 1 and they themselves had deemed mediocre. Mainly the sandbox style play which was gimped. both CONSPIRACY CONFIRMED!!! and INVISIBLE WALLS FTW!!!!
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