-Art direction is just that 1 direction, not every game need to look the same. Plus there is ALOT of issue when u star looking close to things.
-Quest arent nothing ground breaking most quest involve speaking with someone, tracking, and killing a monster, or fallowing someone around. I guess we play 2 different game.
-The game play have alot of issue, starting with the poor loot system they have, crafting is bad, combat is a bad combo between batman and AC,
-the NPC arent nothing ground breaking, i have more affecting from Eli on the Last of Us that from Geralt or Triss, plus the whole story is poorly done if u fallow the other 2 games.+
-Cities use a same mechanic of GTA cities where ppl wake up and do stuff. And react to what the player do.
-Exploring isnt realistic since i have saw farm with farming tending the fiels while packs of wolf run around or cities close to Drover nest bc since a "cliff" is close they dont interact.
-Romance isnt done well, if u didnt read the book, there is 0 chance to understand why Geralt is obsess with Yeniffer, over Triss that u actually romance on bother other games.
-It runs smoothly after they fix it bc it didnt when the game come out.
Look im a fan of Witcher 3 i have play it and all, but im tired of ppl telling this game is sooooooo good, when it take alot of things from other game and most of the time dont improve over it.