Probably. Though...not sure if there will be nudity so they may loose on the teen numbers.
Probably. Though...not sure if there will be nudity so they may loose on the teen numbers.
Not happy with the topic title.
What is asked can never be measured.
Go for something objective, like "Will Fallout 4 sell more copies than TW3".
That we can measure - and speculate on.
My speculation is the Fallout 4 will sell at least twice as many copies as TW3 over the next 4 years.
Fallout 4 has much better staying power and replay value - based on prior Bethesda games. Excuse me - I hear Skyrim calling...
I never understood how Witcher 3 keeps getting brought up and brought into comparison to Fallout. To me, that's comparing apples and oranges. Different worlds, different systems, different approaches. Witcher is about controlling a pre-destined, pre-built character, that while different, is not the same as a Fallout character or an Elder Scrolls character.
In Witcher, you control Geralt, a man with a history and past and a reputation built into him. In Fallout 4, you are controlling an absolute nobody tossed out into a world he does not know anymore.
-Well I actually got bored of:Run to place A>use Witcher sense>kill stuff>run to place B>use Witcher sense>kill stuff.....etc.
-Rescue Damsel in distress is hardly new.And Sorry Mario but Princess Ciri is in another castle go find her" is aslo not new.
-Lol no it's not very good especially not the combat.
-You hardy ever find anything worthwhile.And most of the World is empty.
-Like I:"I know you for 10 seconds let's bang?"
Skyrim had a higher user score during it's first year. Skyrim's score took a hit earlier this year during the 'paid mods crisis', when many users voiced their displeasure by trying to tank it's review score.
You could have used YOUR OPINION in all my points. With caps lock on of course.
I really have a hard time believing that someone cant see the quality of Witcher 3. One thing is not liking it, what can be a mater of opinion, but people have to be really surly to deny that its a title with lots of great qualities.
Witcher 3 was a fun game to play, but for me it had no replayability at all. Soon as I finished the game, it was over. Tried to play it again but there was no way to mix it up, the Witcher is a singular character, the quests are done once they're done, and there's nothing at end game to play through with.
*plus I hate playing a male character, in a seriously male world...just can't relate to it at all.
I expect some good replayability with Fallout 4 because of the settlements, which I'll mod as much as possible to squeak out all the fun I can. This I think is going to be the best hook they have released so far.
I'm not a fan of TW3, either. I've played about 10 hours of it, and I cannot get into it AT ALL. The story was weak and the exploration was dull. I constantly found myself saying things like "Oh, for [censored] sake, horse, get the [censored] out of the way...I need to talk with this guy" or "Oh, for [censored] sake, I just want to turn around." or "Oh, for [censored] sake, just cast the [censored] spell already."
That's what Bethesda Defense Drones do, and it's because of them that TES and Fallout have taken the direction that they have.
My Steam account showed 198 hours played for The Wither 3. I finished the first play-thru at 128 hours and started a second run. It fizzled out. The feeling that I got after finishing the main quest the first time made me never want to go through it again. Those of you that played it know what I'm referring to. I went back to modding and playing FO3, FONV, and Skyrim.
Something was missing from The Wither 3. Not being able to create another character and role-play something different in such a gorgeous open world environment is one of them. There were other things. The company's decision to scaled back their modding tool will most likely stopped my playtime at 198 hours. I'm thinking about uninstalling it from my SSD to make room for FO4 and the gigabytes of mods that will follow the next few years.
Witcher 3 was fun while it lasted and I'm glad I played it (and the Witcher 2). I enjoyed reading all the Witcher novels. However, I prefer the modifiable BGS open world experience.
So far the gfx are waaaaay behind W3, but all that matters is gameplay. We will find out in 1 week.
Bethesda has had a great deal of success doing things their way. There is a reason other companies try to emulate them.
That being said I am fairly certain they pay attention to what others do across all genres of games.
too add to that fallout is still made buy 100+
people very few in this day in age for big budget titles i know is hard to believe but todd talks about it here
I wouldn't know, I didn't play the game, and I refuse to play TW3 until they port the first two to the ps4
I'm wondering why everything has to "top" something else. Why does everything have to be made into a competition with winners & losers. Can't they just both be good & successful games? (Do people really need to hook their self-esteem to their chosen game/console/sports team/soda/whatever, to then feel better when it "tops" something else?)
I hope FO4 is a good game that I enjoy. And I hope that it does well enough for Bethesda to keep doing what they do. Beyond that? Don't care if it "tops" anything, or if it gets GotY, or any of those other status-symbol things. They're just fluff & distraction.
Yes, I see that in many forums. Maybe it's the same group of people that posts in all of them. Anyway, I loved the TW3 but it will never replace the mod-supported, open world sandbox that BGS makes. Especially after CD Project Red backtracked on TW3 modding tool's capability.
From what I read most of us just compared both game styles and listed what we liked and didn't like.
I played the game for awhile, doing just about everything in it, and to be honest, outside of the story, the game itself wasnt that good, the open world felt empty, boring without life to it, the loot/itemmiation was terrible, the combat was subpar, and over all lacked replay value, the game really doesnt have that many qualities, it was just a good story driven game, thats about it.