Curious about what people think about fast travel...I have tried not to use it but I'm slipping into using it now and then...
Personally, I don't use it and I never have. However, I wouldn't consider it cheating by any stretch, Skyrim has a huge map and it takes quite a long time to traverse, on some occaisons people may only have about 20 minutes to sit down and play the game and traveling from point A to point B can sometimes take longer than that. Its a feature that appeals to casual gamers, for the hardcoe we mostly just ignore it, in fact I forgot it was there until I saw this thread title.
One of the disadvantages to using fast travel all the time is that you will miss out on MANY random events that happen while you travel.
Edit: I have used fast travel in Fallout 3 but only when my game crashed after I had reached a certain destination. So in that respect, fast travel can be useful tool if you're game crashes and you didn't save. Other than that, I don't use it.