I got The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at Christmas 2011. When I first played it, my first thought was 'wow! I bet any other game I play in the future will never be as good as this!'. Three or four months passed and I just thought to myself; even though Bethesda did improve the graphics quite a lot (remember that I was playing Skyrim on the Xbox 360 at the time and I hadn't got Fallout: New Vegas for PC at that point, and I was playing Skyrim on a HD TV with a HDMI cable), I still just didn't enjoy playing it. At all. The main storyline was way to short, Skyrim itself was just, in general, a really boring place to play an Elder Scrolls game in. Don't get me wrong, I loved Elder Scrolls back in the day when everybody played Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. I thought Skyrim would be epic, but it just wasn't the game it was hyped up to be. I'm so glad I kept Fallout: 3 for my Xbox 360 and I recently bought Fallout: New Vegas for my PC and play at the highest quality. I'v realized that Skyrim doesn't even compare to how good the Fallout games are. Does anybody else agree?