I remember some of my buddies from work and I playing Arena back in 1994.
Somebody found a cool sword, so we all had to get that,
Lol, I also remember playing the game of Daggerfall with my step-daughter - some good times.
And my son-in-law and I making our first characters in Morrowind and helping each other.
Then there was that shack in Sedya Neen...
I remember the day rhe Parcel Post truck arrived with Oblivion, I was really ready.
I spent hours with the character creation feature, phew! After time and patience, I finally made a good character.
Finding a mortar and pestle in the starter dungeon was a highlight for my Priestess
If you all want to play Morrowiind, be my guest, I liked it, as well.
But, now, I am going to play Skyrim.
I can't remember anticipating any game as much as I do Skyrim.
"...huge freakiing dragons..." - and much more...