» Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:57 pm
I'm actually glad to see there's quite a bit of optimism about Skyrim, especially from these forums, which represent sort of the "True" Elder Scrolls fans.
I think it's possible for Skyrim to be the Best Elder Scrolls ever, the overall potential of the game, based on what we've heard, even taking a fairly conservative approach, is staggering.
Do I think it'll be? No, I think Morrowind will still hold the top spot(For me). It's not really a problem with Bethesda, so much as it is the times themselves. When Morrowind came out, the standards were different, and, more importantly, the Market was different. As the xbox360 generation pretty much 'Mainstreamed" games, it's now more at the mercy of the market than ever before. While I'm sure Bethesda can do whatever they want with a game, at this point, and nobody would dare question it, their desire to see the series remain both a critical and financial success, means they'll probably play their hand a little more conservatively than before.