» Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 pm
As far as enemy and loot scaling goes, I really have to give it to Morrowind in that regard. I like having enemies that I have no chance of beating whenever I'm fresh off of the forge. It gives me a sense of ambition, that I can eventually come back and teach whatever was stopping me what's what.. However, if I do somehow manage to get past or around that obstacle, I always feel an awesome sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, I don't think that equipment or gear should be leveled to your character. I think that instead of having everyone wielding Daedric Axes and Armor whenever you're level thirty and you end up having an endless supply of Daedric items, maybe just have a few elite enemies or characters in the game wield them. Then, they're an actual challenge to obtain. Say that I wanted a Daedric Spear, I ask around and do some research as to obtain such an item. Well, I catch word that in a cavern atop the mouintain there is an unholy beast that dwells within, and after defeating such a creature, I shall be gifted the awesome Daedric Spear for my efforts and deeds.. As opposed to I just walk into a tavern, say a few choice words, and then have several Daedric-clad corpses laying at my feet...