But they didn't desert in a time of war. The war didn't start until a week after they deserted. But that last week, the government apparently went mute or deserted as well. Maxsons squad radioed to someone (Dont recall who) and declared their desertion, but got no response.
All is says in the Wiki, is that the Army was "busy with the war in china". I have a feeling the higher up got some kinda of early warning that made them all scramble to shelters. That would be a obvious sign of them getting no answer. Also just because you can't get a hold of your superiors doesn't mean your out of the army anymore.
After the nukes I can understand, but as you said they where traitors and deserters for thats few weeks until the bombs hit. Plus they were murderers too.
Styles It doesn't matter if your on the front line or not Desertion is desertion and in a time of war your shot. Also depends on the situation Styles. Those prisoners could be murdering psycho's that deserve there fate. What if the experiments the scientist did made once perfected made the war end in a few months once put into play saving billions of lives that the nukes took? You can't make arbitrary judgments. this reminds me of Truman's decision about the bombs. Would you use them? would you trade a few lives, for saving millions? Is it "evil" to do so?
When you talked to Richardson didn't he basically say it's "unfortunate but it's necessary to insure a better future" or something like that?
however this is just me, I can look at a side and see it from there point of view, and argue for it as they would, even if you don't agree with them. It was fun in debate class, also gets you thinking out side your normal frame of reference.