Do you think the game will be overrun by people playing ligh

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:32 pm

I am a 13 year old boy I dont know if you see at me as a kid but am not gone be a sniper or light I may be a operative but am steal gone play as the other class am mostly play as medic or a egenier and i dont bplay cod i did but i sold it was 1 of the most boring game i have playd but i like a balens of fps and strategi ( am not so good to write so hoppe u all understan wath am writing )
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Ann Church
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:07 am

Initially there will be a lot of lights. However, as your team fails because people can't defend/progress an objective that will change.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:37 am

I really don't think as many people will be playing lights as people think there will be. It's most likely going to spike in amount on some point or another, but I think it will generally be pretty balanced among all body types.
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James Smart
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:00 am

Why is it people only ever notice the excess of certain types? People act like all anyone ever plays as is a sniper, and yet I rarely see a majority of the people in any game playing as such. Many, many more players run around with automatic weapons, shotguns, and even knives.

Anywho, no. I don't think it's going to be a case of being over run by any one type (just like most games are not actually over run by any one type), although people will undoubtedly notice certain behaviors more than others.

Probably because sniping, which should be a niche role that only a select few pursue, is instead often much more popular than it should be because sniping is often much easier and more powerful than it should be. It isn't "normal" for a large portion of players to be snipers, and it usually ends up with a great deal of them being either A. completely useless, or 2. good at killing but no help at all with objectives (so still kinda useless, and often a real pain to play against), because a lot of them are in it for the wrong reasons. And people notice that because it's extremely annoying, from both ends.

I really don't think as many people will be playing lights as people think there will be. It's most likely going to spike in amount on some point or another, but I think it will generally be pretty balanced among all body types.

Agreed. I expect a huge spike shortly after release that will last for a while, perhaps a week, before evening back out again. But even then I predict that we'll see a lot more Lights than Heavies, simply because of the "ninja assassin" mentality.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:15 am

ha, :toughninja: im one of those kids who thinks im beast at snipin, just because i love those moments when i am, but, if its hurtin my team, i stop. But, if i really wanna be a productive sniper, id go, heavy engineer and lay some mines and SUPPORT IT UP
Also, when someone is good at sniping it gets annoying dont it ? :wink_smile:
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Katharine Newton
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:22 am

Killzone 3 is sniper/camper porm due to the Marksman class..... which can remain invisible whilst killing with silenced weapons, oh yeah he also gets the best assault rifle in the game and can scramble enemy radar as a passive ability. So OP'd..... good thing there won't be any of that nonsense in Brink. AMEN.
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:19 pm

I don't see the infatuation with being a light; I'm going to be playing as a medium and then switch to whatever class is needed.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:44 pm

Im a terrible writer or whatever lol so i honestly dont know when the right time to put a period is...all i know is at the end of a sentence...and i choose when MY sentences end haha

Best...reply...ever! lol, no I was just joshin' ya. I hate when people correct grammar, its the lowest form of insult to me; shows a huge lack of creativity and individualism so I was just joking but I love your reply "I choose when my sentences end!"

:rofl: Bloody riot dude! nice.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:57 am

Best...reply...ever! lol, no I was just joshin' ya. I hate when people correct grammar, its the lowest form of insult to me; shows a huge lack of creativity and individualism so I was just joking but I love your reply "I choose when my sentences end!"

:rofl: Bloody riot dude! nice.

yeah i know you were messin man lol and thanks =].....what system you on man?
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:56 pm

and im not saying there is anything wrong with being light or using snipers or anything like that....but i dont like it when there overplayed.....i mean im going to make a light operative no doubt but im not gonna spam the character lol
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:20 am

Best...reply...ever! lol, no I was just joshin' ya. I hate when people correct grammar, its the lowest form of insult to me; shows a huge lack of creativity and individualism so I was just joking but I love your reply "I choose when my sentences end!"

:rofl: Bloody riot dude! nice.

The other funny bit, is he didn't end with a period.

Anyways, as some other people said, one of the reasons that Snipers/Light campers won't be used very much is people will play them, realize they're not getting any XP, and start completing objectives.

Sitting on some random high spot and shooting at every person that walks by doesn't give you a lot of points, and makes you a horrible team player.

Although having one sniper per eight-man team might be useful for taking out pesky engies and medics, etc.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:28 am

I don't think this game will be over run with "snipers" like cod has since there are truly none. For the lights as someone already pointed out there may be a lot of lights for the first week or two the game is out but after that it will probably die down.

I mostly will be playing a medium soldier and only play light as an operative ( i may never play as a medic) and not really sure when im going to play a heavy (will have to see the setups i can do)
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:18 am

yeah and plus i mean some snipers would like actually be needed to help push back the enemy so we could advance. there put a period for ya guys =]
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:29 am

I am a 13 year old boy I dont know if you see at me as a kid but am not gone be a sniper or light I may be a operative but am steal gone play as the other class am mostly play as medic or a egenier and i dont bplay cod i did but i sold it was 1 of the most boring game i have playd but i like a balens of fps and strategi ( am not so good to write so hoppe u all understan wath am writing )

Dude, personal info + internet = bad
Never seen you before, so have a turtle :turtle:
I look forward to you sniping for me.

I'm not sure if sniping will go well with operative, I think in Brink you'll be behind your teammates in order to snipe, whereas to play Operative you have to sneak behind enemy lines, where your best with a more defensive weapon.
It'd go best with engie really, you can use barricades to re-route your enemies, mines to weaken them, turrets to protect yourself, and MG nests for your spotter to finish sniped enemies off.

I think there'll be plenty of side-paths and flanking routes, so snipers will have to watch their backs.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:20 am

yeah and plus i mean some snipers would like actually be needed to help push back the enemy so we could advance. there put a period for ya guys ADDITION RIGHT HERE:(I don't see a period here... XD) =]

And yes, a 'marksman' as I'm now going to call them, would be useful for taking out key attackers, or defenders as the situation warrants it.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:30 am

haha effff better off without them lol....and nice turtle may i have one.....but yes what you said about the flanking and stuff thats totally is there sniper rifles or are they just like someone said longrifles or something like that
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:17 am

haha effff better off without them lol....and nice turtle may i have one.....but yes what you said about the flanking and stuff thats totally is there sniper rifles or are they just like someone said longrifles or something like that

You could say they are 'Sniper rifles', because one is essentially a Dragunov, and there's a bigger one than that, but the fact is, there are no long range spots (Think Battlefield Bad Company) from which to snipe, so 'Long Rifle' fits the gun better.
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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:20 am

ok cool =]....what system you on wolf??
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James Potter
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:58 am

Probably because sniping, which should be a niche role that only a select few pursue, is instead often much more popular than it should be because sniping is often much easier and more powerful than it should be. It isn't "normal" for a large portion of players to be snipers, and it usually ends up with a great deal of them being either A. completely useless, or 2. good at killing but no help at all with objectives (so still kinda useless, and often a real pain to play against), because a lot of them are in it for the wrong reasons. And people notice that because it's extremely annoying, from both ends.

What makes sniping a more "niche" role than any other defined role? The whole point of having a defined role is to be "that guy" for your team; you don't want a bunch of anybody, but it still happens with multiple roles.

When it comes down to numbers, there are far more players using the other weapons that are "completely useless" or "no help at objectives", because they're in it for their own entertainment, which is the same reason your aforementioned snipers do what they do.

"Often a real pain to play against" is more likely the reason why people go after snipers specifically, and not just the thousands of other players that end up serving no help to their team in various team games.

Anyways, point being that it's not the snipers that you're having the problem with "overrunning" the game, it's bad players/teammates, some of which happen to use the sniper rifle. The Title of the thread sets it up as an anti ninja/sniper thread (of which we have had many), regardless of the post that followed, I'm merely representing that "major" minority.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:50 am

Besides, you can't kill with one headshot, which is very different to most sniping in games.
Still, if you headshot that heavy coming round the corner, you'll be fine if you just headshot whoever everyone else is shotting at though.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:15 pm

Heavy is unlocked at lvl 5
Light is unlocked at lvl 7

I know it's been asked a million times before but I'm too lazy to search, so once chosen, is bodytype permanent as well?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:30 am

What makes sniping a more "niche" role than any other defined role? The whole point of having a defined role is to be "that guy" for your team; you don't want a bunch of anybody, but it still happens with multiple roles.

When it comes down to numbers, there are far more players using the other weapons that are "completely useless" or "no help at objectives", because they're in it for their own entertainment, which is the same reason your aforementioned snipers do what they do.

"Often a real pain to play against" is more likely the reason why people go after snipers specifically, and not just the thousands of other players that end up serving no help to their team in various team games.

Anyways, point being that it's not the snipers that you're having the problem with "overrunning" the game, it's bad players/teammates, some of which happen to use the sniper rifle. The Title of the thread sets it up as an anti ninja/sniper thread (of which we have had many), regardless of the post that followed, I'm merely representing that "major" minority.

We've already had the "snipers are [censored]" debate, so I'll just say that uselessness and lack of team-play is more noticeable and more prolific among snipers due to the nature of the weapons, i.e. their OHK potential and extreme range, and leave it at that.

EDIT: @BROTOX: No, bodytype is not permanent. You can change it at any time between matches.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:16 am

I wanted to know what anyone else thought about the game bein overran by kids thinkin there snipers so thats all they do and some not deciding to be a heavy type character because i would like this game to have a big variety of people playing different roles instead of half the team playin as operative light snipers

well as you may know, snipers arent really effective in this game and Im sure eventually everyone will figure that out so it might not be as bad as you think
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:10 am

Will probably never use snipers myself, they just don't seem all that powerful, will be going for the objective most of the time anyway so i won't have time to sit around and snipe. Personally i think that sniping is boring anyway.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:31 am

When people learn that too many Operatives will cost you the match, they'll do something else. Not all but a good amount. And with the whole sniper thing, I think most people will end up using some form of machinegun because from the vids, this game looks like it will be close quarters or mid range combat. Plus, snipers can't OHK you.
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