Do you think the Stormcloaks are racist?

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:26 am

it is a trend in the game with most races :

Aldmers and Imperials think they are above all others and have the right to rule them all (should give a call to Sauron methink).
Nords hate people not following their usages as well as refugees.
Redguards hate Aldmers as well as Imperials since the treaty.
Argonians hate Dunmers.
Dunmers used to think they are above all others, now they beg for a charity.
Falmers hate every other races.

The only two out of the trend seem to be Bretons, never seen any racist commentary and Kajiits, everyone hate them (them well, they love moonsugar).
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:59 pm

I don't see no Kahjeets nor argonians in the legion... Besides, stormcloaks allow elfs in their cities, and the working type can afford a good living. Imperials, on the other hand, are pretty much corrupt, not to say weak. Kahjeets are also not allowed in any city under imperial control.

You seem to be unaware that the Empire lost Elsweyr and Black Marsh long ago to Thalmor and Argonians, respectively. The legion has people from every race the Empire rules over. It's repeatedly pointed out that Imperials are the most cosmopolitan and mostly don't care about the race of people they deal with it since Cyrodiil is neighboring to every other province and they trade with everyone else. Not to mention that the Empire has ruled justly in any of the previous TES games. There were bad apples but nowhere you found the systematic aura of supremacy of Dunmer of Morrowind or Stormcloaks and Thalmor of Skyrim.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:23 am

The reason they have to fight is just, their leader has powerlust.

Fighting for independence isn't racist either, which is exactly what their part of the war is.
And yeah, in the end rumors are just rumors, nothing is certain. All I know is that the actual people fighting just want independence, instead of just letting empire step on their tradition and beliefs.

TL;DR Ulfric hungers for power. The rebels want independence.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:35 am

The Stormcloaks aren't racist.
Ulfric is racist.

Sad that you can't just assasinate Ulfric and fight for independance without that nutjob being there.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:06 pm

At first I thought I'd be supporting the Stormcloaks, but when I learned about their anti-everyone agenda, I thought about joining the Legion. But when I learned about their control-everyone agenda I decided I'd remain neutral.

Now I'm stuck in the main quest on 'Season Unending'. Damn.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:00 am

It's not racist and it's probably true to some extend.

It's just not politically correct to say that.


I think political correctness has run its course. Whatever noble intentions it might of had, it ended up being used by pseudo intellectuals as a snobbery tool to degrade the informally educated, and as crutches by individuals that feared at some point they would be judged by their own merit. Not to mention the psychology that has developed around it which focuses on making problems out of nothing, so individuals can feel needed in their delusional fights against made up injustices.

Verah hit the nail on the head.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:59 pm

Okay, sure. Academically, the difference between prejudice and racism is institutionalized power. The Nords, as a majority population and ruling class, have it. The Dunmer, as a minority refugee group, do not. Hence, they may be prejudiced, but as they lack the power (as a social class) to prevent Nords from moving upward and improving their station.

Is their prejudice equal? Sure. Is it wrong? Absolutely. Does it carry the same level of consequence? No.

I disagree with your definition of racism, but it's of little relevance.

The point isn't that the Nords are more able to act upon their prejudices, it's that everyone seems to be more than willing to overlook the prejudices of the minorities simply because they're minorities. It's not even as though the Elves would have held their views solely from the way they're treated by Nords in Windhelm; Nords and elves have disliked each other since they first met. It is both foreseeable and reasonable to expect the Nords to dislike their refugees based upon their history. That being said, they should be treated a little better, and the possible differences in judicial treatment shouldn't be the case, but there is no reason why they shouldn't be given the poor part of town when they don't have the money to buy in the rich part of town.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 pm

I don't really get why people go "The stormcloaks are racist/"nationalist", but it's OK, because they were there first!" - They weren't. The stormcloaks moved in, wiped out the elves that lived there almost to a man, then, later on, wiped out the native population of the Reach (Most of the survivors which became the Forsworn, swearing vengeance on their murderers, and becoming just as bad themselves, but that's another argument altogether) Then, there's the fact that there are a LOT of nords that support the empire, as well as a large population of non-nords in Skyrim, almost all of whom support the Empire or are neutral, due to general stormcloak xenophobia. Many of these non-nords have lived there for generations - are they somehow 'less' the people of skyrim? Do a portion of Nords who may not even be the majority have the right to tell the rest to GTFO?

Hell, Ulfric won't even give the more reasonable, tolerant Nords a break - look at what he does to the Jarl of whiterun - all the man wanted to do was take care of his people, and not get involved in Ulfric's stupid, selfish, war, and how does ulfric respond? By invading him (and presumably killing him, but I haven't done the Stormcloak line to know what happens if the Stormcloaks take the city). Plus, he killed the High King, who was his NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER, and adored him and looked up to him as a hero, and then couldn't even give him the honor of a fair sword fight and FUS ROH DAH'd him to death.

Saying Ulfric is fighting for "independence" or "freedom" is propaganda and [censored] - all you're doing is trading one 'king' for another - only you'll now be a second-class citizen if you're not a Nord - in the end, Skyrim takes a step back towards barbarism, the Empire, one of the only remaining bastions of humanity, falls, and is presumably completely taken over by elves, along with High Rock, the other remaining province of the Empire, and now the Thalmor own almost the entire continent.

One thing a lot of people think is that the empire is 'leeching' off of skyrim, too - the Empire is apparently the agricultural heart of Tamriel, and supplies a lot of food to all the provinces. Skyrim, after all, isn't exactly the best place to grow tons of crops. Plus, the Empire has never relied as completely upon the Nords for warriors, either - the Nords just have an advantage here having been the place that was the least obliterated by the Thalmor, being fairly out of the way of their invasion. If the Thalmor had invaded Skyrim, everyone would be singing a different tune, after all the Nords either surrendered or died.

Hell, even Hammerfall is screwed - it's signed it's own White Gold Condcordiat making it another puppet of the Thalmor after a brutal war that completely decimated half the province.

So now, when the ENTIRE EMPIRE and FOUR PROVINCES lost so badly to the thalmor, Ulfric decides to leave the REST OF HUMANITY TO DIE TO ELVES (they're genocidal, remember?) over petty pride about how he won't serve an empire he considers 'weak' for signing a treaty to avoid total extermination (nevermind that it wasn't his province, his people, that were on the line - if he was the emperor, does that mean that he would have refused to surrender? [censored] his people, PRIDE demands we never surrender! what an idiot.) , while thinking that somehow he, alone, can do what FOUR PROVINCES TOGETHER failed to do.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:01 am

They're racist.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:59 am


I think political correctness has run its course. Whatever noble intentions it might of had, it ended up being used by pseudo intellectuals as a snobbery tool to degrade the informally educated, and as crutches by individuals that feared at some point they would be judged by their own merit. Not to mention the psychology that has developed around it which focuses on making problems out of nothing, so individuals can feel needed in their delusional fights against made up injustices.

Verah hit the nail on the head.

You, my friend, have my sword. Excepcionally put out.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:11 am

People don't seem to mention at all how the Empire tries to destroy Nord tradition, just for their own gain.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:08 pm

Wheres the NO option?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:29 am

Just wanna clear out some Argonian-Dunmer stuff.

Sure the Dunmer had slaves, but you know what? They ended slavery, not because of anyone forcing them to do it, heck the empire didn't give a damn.
So since the dunmer ended slavery (in a civil war) that killed tons of dunmer claiming the dunmer had it coming to them would be as if:
Right after the american civil war half of USA sunk was destroyed and right after that every country in Africa declares war on USA... yeah USA sure had it coming to them...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:58 pm

1. Walk into Windhelm
2. Turn left
3. Find all the Dark Elves

There's your answer.

What he said, my Dunmer's are living in poverty and squalor and are treated like sh**t simply because they are elves/different colour and refugee's from a disaster area.

Pretty racist tome.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:40 pm

It was once a noble cause to protect their identity, traditions, and religion, but like any nationalistic movement it has or is going to become a haven for nords who use their cause as an engine for their racist or prejudiced views.

-Khajiit are bared from entering the city.
-Argonians and Dunmer are restricted in where they can live either on the docks or secluded ghettos.
-Anyone who doesn't support or agree with the Stormcloaks (especially Mer) are called spies, imperialists, loyalists, or traitors if you're a Nord.

It may not have been racist in the beginning, but it looks like its starting to take a darker route.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:10 am

People don't seem to mention at all how the Empire tries to destroy Nord tradition, just for their own gain.

Huh? what are you going on about? The Nords founded the empire, and the empire doesn't really give a [censored] either way. I guess you could mean the Talos worship thing... but that's not 'nord tradition' - the Empire worships him too (hell, they were the one who STARTED worshipping him - he's their freaking God Emperor).. it's is something forced on the whole empire by the elves, and the Empire generally deliberately turns a very large blind eye toward worship of him, as long as you do it in secret (both General Tullius and Legate Rikke are Talos worshippers.. privately) - It's just a matter of being smart to keep the fact that you are reneging on a treaty with a foreign power ready to invade a secret - flaunting it before you're ready to fight is stupid. From what I've seen in game, the Thalmor inquisitons weren't anywhere near as common until Ulfric thumbed his nose at them and drew their attention.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:57 am

ive heard alot of good arguments and statements on the intentions of ulfric differing from the intentions of some of his men but seriously this doesnt account for most other holds in skyrim not allowing khajitts and argonians in their citys khajitts have been swayed into liking the thalmor but remaining nuetrali can understand possible distrust for khajitts there but last i checked argonians are the last group willing to allow themselves to be ruled by elves again youd think ulfic would want there support or any jarl who supports ulfric would want there support instead of telling them no you cant come in my city yet ironicly the jarl of riften which is storm cloak territory would allw argonians in her city somthings messed up about that

and to wolperting your damn right ! my friend the hell is wrong with either the empire or skyrim fighting when they should be trying to gain allies against the thalmor everyones well and ignored the damned flying lizards but theyre gonna ignore the looming elven army too?! :facepalm:

also to s'rua the bretons and redguards on more then one occasion have joined together to sack orsinium out of dislike of orcs its ironic that the khajitts while having been slaves once too seem to hold much less resentment for the dunmer ........that said... :intergalactic:
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:54 am

People don't seem to mention at all how the Empire tries to destroy Nord tradition, just for their own gain.

Actually, General Tulius respects Nordic tradition and his right hand is a battlemaiden in Imperial armor who privately worships Talos. The whole of the Imperial Army might be trying to imperialize Skyrim(though that didn't seem to be an issue for the two other empires), but most of Skyrim's legions in general are made up of Nords. They only reason why Talos worship was banned was to keep the Empire kicking. I imagine most Imperials still believe in him. He did start this Empire.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:06 pm

Actually, General Tulius respects Nordic tradition and his right hand is a battlemaiden in Imperial armor who privately worships Talos. The whole of the Imperial Army might be trying to imperialize Skyrim(though that didn't seem to be an issue for the two other empires), but most of Skyrim's legions in general are made up of Nords. They only reason why Talos worship was banned was to keep the Empire kicking. I imagine most Imperials still believe in him. He did start this Empire.

yep no tiber septim no empire though its kinda funny alessia was made a saint and not a god amongst imperials though
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 8:09 am

It was once a noble cause to protect their identity, traditions, and religion, but like any nationalistic movement it has or is going to become a haven for nords who use their cause as an engine for their racist or prejudiced views.

-Khajiit are bared from entering the city.
-Argonians and Dunmer are restricted in where they can live either on the docks or secluded ghettos.
-Anyone who doesn't support or agree with the Stormcloaks (especially Mer) are called spies, imperialists, loyalists, or traitors if you're a Nord.

It may not have been racist in the beginning, but it looks like its starting to take a darker route.

1. Kahjeets are not allowed in imperial-controlled cities either.
2. In some Stormcloak controled cities, like Riften, there are wealthy Dark Elfs. Also, the Dark Elfs in Winhelm have been allowed to work and live, if they're not wealthy enough to posses a home of their own in the richest quarters, it's a matter of time. You can't of course expect them to suddenly become the main inhabitants of Windhelm. Also, in the market quarter there's an old and respected Altmer.
3. That also applies to the Imperial Legion. There's a war going on, propaganda flows from both sides: For example, the Imperials are always saying Ulfric murdered the High King, when he actually bested him in a duel to death, as is nord tradition.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:22 am

Funny how people seem to be persistent in the illusion that any empire in a fiction must be evil, because they're portrayed as such stereotypically. Newsflash: Tamrielic Empire has always been the fairest chance any race has had for peace, justice and commerce. No, Skyrim won't be better off without the Empire, they'll be washed red in countless wars like they have always been in before the Empire came. Not to mention that Thalmor will probably gobble it up and put most of them in chains.

And Ulfric isn't the only racist one, the common battlecry of Stormcloaks is "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" Now imagine somebody shouting something like that, but change it with a country and race of your choice. Sounds like an ultra-nationalist right-wing slogan, does it not? Because it is. They want everyone else except Nords out and even previous races that lived in the area is included. Mind you, it's a good thing that the game didn't come out during whole Anders business. It'd be very bad press.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:41 pm

Kind of, but the high elves think they're better than humans, so it makes sense not to like them.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:14 pm

Funny how people seem to be persistent in the illusion that any empire in a fiction must be evil, because they're portrayed as such stereotypically. Newsflash: Tamrielic Empire has always been the fairest chance any race has had for peace, justice and commerce. No, Skyrim won't be better off without the Empire, they'll be washed red in countless wars like they have always been in before the Empire came. Not to mention that Thalmor will probably gobble it up and put most of them in chains.

And Ulfric isn't the only racist one, the common battlecry of Stormcloaks is "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" Now imagine somebody shouting something like that, but change it with a country and race of your choice. Sounds like an ultra-nationalist right-wing slogan, does it not? Because it is. They want everyone else except Nords out and even previous races that lived in the area is included. Mind you, it's a good thing that the game didn't come out during whole Anders business. It'd be very bad press.

To your first statement I would respond with the main idea behind the book "A brave new world", with which I'm sure you're familiarised. Regarding the "let's compare It to nazism or nacionalism" trend, I'll simply say that Skyrim is the invaded, not the invader, and that It would probably be closer to some independence movements, namely the one America went through, as it seems to be the one people on the internet are closer to. I'd also like to point out that no racial or hate crimes have been commited, while war crimes have been goiong on both sides.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:07 pm

1. Kahjeets are not allowed in imperial-controlled cities either.
2. In some Stormcloak controled cities, like Riften, there are wealthy Dark Elfs. Also, the Dark Elfs in Winhelm have been allowed to work and live, if they're not wealthy enough to posses a home of their own in the richest quarters, it's a matter of time. You can't of course expect them to suddenly become the main inhabitants of Windhelm. Also, in the market quarter there's an old and respected Altmer.
3. That also applies to the Imperial Legion. There's a war going on, propaganda flows from both sides: For example, the Imperials are always saying Ulfric murdered the High King, when he actually bested him in a duel to death, as is nord tradition.

solitude is still controlled by torrygs wife shes the current jarl awaiting the moot, the empires embassy and skyrim military head quaters are located there the kahjitts are still bound by her law which is why theres at least that one argonian guy in the city
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:49 pm

I joined the imperial army and finished that quest line solely based on my experience in Windhelm.
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