» Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 pm
I don't really get why people go "The stormcloaks are racist/"nationalist", but it's OK, because they were there first!" - They weren't. The stormcloaks moved in, wiped out the elves that lived there almost to a man, then, later on, wiped out the native population of the Reach (Most of the survivors which became the Forsworn, swearing vengeance on their murderers, and becoming just as bad themselves, but that's another argument altogether) Then, there's the fact that there are a LOT of nords that support the empire, as well as a large population of non-nords in Skyrim, almost all of whom support the Empire or are neutral, due to general stormcloak xenophobia. Many of these non-nords have lived there for generations - are they somehow 'less' the people of skyrim? Do a portion of Nords who may not even be the majority have the right to tell the rest to GTFO?
Hell, Ulfric won't even give the more reasonable, tolerant Nords a break - look at what he does to the Jarl of whiterun - all the man wanted to do was take care of his people, and not get involved in Ulfric's stupid, selfish, war, and how does ulfric respond? By invading him (and presumably killing him, but I haven't done the Stormcloak line to know what happens if the Stormcloaks take the city). Plus, he killed the High King, who was his NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER, and adored him and looked up to him as a hero, and then couldn't even give him the honor of a fair sword fight and FUS ROH DAH'd him to death.
Saying Ulfric is fighting for "independence" or "freedom" is propaganda and [censored] - all you're doing is trading one 'king' for another - only you'll now be a second-class citizen if you're not a Nord - in the end, Skyrim takes a step back towards barbarism, the Empire, one of the only remaining bastions of humanity, falls, and is presumably completely taken over by elves, along with High Rock, the other remaining province of the Empire, and now the Thalmor own almost the entire continent.
One thing a lot of people think is that the empire is 'leeching' off of skyrim, too - the Empire is apparently the agricultural heart of Tamriel, and supplies a lot of food to all the provinces. Skyrim, after all, isn't exactly the best place to grow tons of crops. Plus, the Empire has never relied as completely upon the Nords for warriors, either - the Nords just have an advantage here having been the place that was the least obliterated by the Thalmor, being fairly out of the way of their invasion. If the Thalmor had invaded Skyrim, everyone would be singing a different tune, after all the Nords either surrendered or died.
Hell, even Hammerfall is screwed - it's signed it's own White Gold Condcordiat making it another puppet of the Thalmor after a brutal war that completely decimated half the province.
So now, when the ENTIRE EMPIRE and FOUR PROVINCES lost so badly to the thalmor, Ulfric decides to leave the REST OF HUMANITY TO DIE TO ELVES (they're genocidal, remember?) over petty pride about how he won't serve an empire he considers 'weak' for signing a treaty to avoid total extermination (nevermind that it wasn't his province, his people, that were on the line - if he was the emperor, does that mean that he would have refused to surrender? [censored] his people, PRIDE demands we never surrender! what an idiot.) , while thinking that somehow he, alone, can do what FOUR PROVINCES TOGETHER failed to do.