Do you think the Stormcloaks are racist?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:47 pm

They are racist idiots who have jumped into a war in a patriotic and racial fervor without any foresight whatsoever into what their future plans will be. They are going to go to war with the Dominion as soon as they gain independence? Do you think Skyrim has a chance against the Dominion without the Legion? And what is going to happen once all the elves are expelled from Skyrim? Don't you think there will be repercussions from the Empire or from Morrowind? The only way to survive against the Thalmor is to fight them with Imperial assistance. Yes, it may not be pretty, and the Empire might have its faults, but it's the only path of survival in the long run.

Bethesda made it easy to see both sides, so when your playing an Imperial you feel that you're in the right. As a Stormcloak you feel you're doing the right thing also. However, the Empire are but puppets for the Thalmor. And alot of the Jarls are puppets for the Imperials! The Whiterun siege was a shame, of course they attack the city with no true alliegance. It shattered the community there, along with my friendship with Jarl Balgruf. It wasn't very diplomatic either, Ulfric should have easily pulled the Jarl to his side, but instead he makes him an enemy. The Stormcloaks should pull a defensive movement, not offensive against the Imperials. Their true enemy are the Thalmor, and if they were to eliminate their influence they would also liberate the empire.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:40 am

They're Nord supremacists. Of course they are racist.
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:19 am

Both are evil and corrupt in their own way, however the Thalmor are pulling all the strings. They want the civil war to keep going on.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:58 pm

i put ithat they are racists..................but u gotta also understand that u go into the elf homeland they are completely rasists against nords. So basically if ur new to the series, ur thinking Uldric and company are being pricks but if u been playing for a hot min its more or less the shoes on the other foot situation. So yes they racists but hey the people they are being racist against are also very racists against the nords in thier HOMELAND.

also as far as which sides im on.....Uldric not because i support him but because as a Nord i see the Empire becoming very weak compared to the glory days and why as a Nord should i follow something weak when the opertunity to build soemthing bigger/stronger is right in front of my eyes?

thats my point though what opportunity is there? once the empires gone in move the thalmor hammerfell fought and endless stalemate with the dominion and signed another treaty why would skyrim fair better? and when have you ever heard of khajitts or argonians being unwelcoming of people from other lands ? hell the khajitts hold no real resentment against the dunmer who also enslaved them who has ever been to gideon and spoke of argonian discrimination and once again even in the slave capital that was morrowind a free argonian or khajitt could enter any city
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Nicholas C
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:49 am

Yes, yes they are.

It's just an utterly brilliant stroke of genius on the writers part to do that. To paint 'the rebels' initially as the underdogs that you follow lout after the dragon attack (well most people did), only to come to a horrible realization later on.

This is especially true of your another race, especially if your an elf.

Brilliant writing, and a well done twist.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:42 am

That statement is not only biased but also irrespectful. Maybe you should strive to enjoy the many tones of grey you can find.

Well, I have seen my fair share of comments that revered Talos without even knowing who Tiber Septim is and what he did, assuming he was TES reference to Thor and anyone with a viking helm who worshipped him is automatically cool, ignoring everything else. My respect is for people who grasp what's going on first before deciding or people who are accepting them for what they are and still going along instead of trying to make wrongs right just to not have a guilty conscience.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:43 pm

They're not 'racist', they're just protecting their ancestral land, the land where all men began according to lore, in the same way the High Elves would get angry if Summerset Isle became a 'come one and come all' fest for every race in Tamriel. That said, I think Ulfric is a coward and a murderor, although it is a much more brutal frame of life for people in Skyrim, it still doesn't excuse just walking up to the High King and killing him without warning.

Actually, Skyrim is the first land settled by humans. Tamriel (IIRC) was originally inhabited by beast races and elves. Humans came, purged the inhabitants and took land by force.

As to the original question, it's badly formulated. It should ask "Are Nords in the Stormcloaks movement more inclined towards racism?". A lot of them may be racists or even are, particularly in Windhelm, but the rest don't really give a damn. I personally think that the Stormcloaks are misguided in their attempts to liberate Skyrim, as they indirectly work towards Elvenazi/Elfsoviet (Thalmor) goals. That's my primary beef: racists get a visit from Mr Dagger.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:01 am

Both are evil and corrupt in their own way, however the Thalmor are pulling all the strings. They want the civil war to keep going on.

this is why the empire is the lesser of two evils in the situation theres no way in hell ulfric cant see that hes just so damn power hungry that hed honestly commit lives to this and say the stormcloaks when where are they getting the military support to fight the thalmor? i dont see every nord signing up to thro themselves at the dominion didnt the last war cost them plenty?
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:06 am

Bethesda made it easy to see both sides, so when your playing an Imperial you feel that you're in the right. As a Stormcloak you feel you're doing the right thing also. However, the Empire are but puppets for the Thalmor. And alot of the Jarls are puppets for the Imperials! The Whiterun siege was a shame, of course they attack the city with no true alliegance. It shattered the community there, along with my friendship with Jarl Balgruf. It wasn't very diplomatic either, Ulfric should have easily pulled the Jarl to his side, but instead he makes him an enemy. The Stormcloaks should pull a defensive movement, not offensive against the Imperials. Their true enemy are the Thalmor, and if they were to eliminate their influence they would also liberate the empire.

Okay, lets get one thing straight. The Empire is not the Thalmors puppet toy. They only signed the whit gold concordant to ensure that no more innocent civilians died, and so they could strengthen their forces for round 2. do you really think that The Empire is going to stop the worship of the deity that FOUNDED the empire? Tulius and Rikke worship talos. everyone worshipped talos and the thalmor didnt notice until Ulfric started whining about it.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:00 am

What a stupid poll.
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Karl harris
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:43 am

Being for your own race is not wrong. Its not immoral. Its not evil. Its the opposite. People only call it such because its about white people. Hate the whites. Slander the whites. Treat the whites like crap and make sure you demonize them.

You NEVER hear about how this needs to be done concerning non-whites. Lets hurt them chinese people. They need to be integrated. Wait a minute. We need to flood the Mexicans south of the USA with whites. They dont need to have their own country/people/land for themselves.

Better yet, lets make sure we call it racist for the Indians over in India to have their own land and their own people and do things just for the own race; Hell, we all know thats okay - they arent white.

Even more so, lets flood Africa with whites. Take away the Congo, Zimbabwe and all those lovely places from the Blacks. They dont need to have their own country. Its racist.

See the point? Ive yet to read a single article, newspaper, media story or movie that is accepted and hailed as morally "righteous" that would advocate such for a race that isnt white.

Shows a double standard. Screw you.

Invade, take over and try and [censored] Africa of even more of their resources? You are confused. Can you name an equivalent of the KKK or Neo-Nazi organizations that are Black/Asian/Latino/etc.?
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:28 pm

Invade, take over and try and [censored] Africa of even more of their resources? You are confused. Can you name an equivalent of the KKK or Neo-Nazi organizations that are Black/Asian/Latino/etc.?

I don't know what's going on in this argument, and it's probably incredibly stupid, biased, and pointless but I will say there are extremist groups for the other races. The New Black Panther Party (Note, not the old Black Panther Party) being one of them. Every race has [censored]s. We're all human, we're all capable of the same things.

Also, let's get back to Skyrim before somebody gets banned. Come on.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:47 am

Khajiits always getting :gun: , :flamethrower: , :swear: or :meh: up....
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:12 am

*sigh* Why must people bring up real world stuff?

Why can't we have a Stormcloak discussion, in pure fantasy context terms. >_<
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:10 am

Okay, lets get one thing straight. The Empire is not the Thalmors puppet toy. They only signed the whit gold concordant to ensure that no more innocent civilians died, and so they could strengthen their forces for round 2. do you really think that The Empire is going to stop the worship of the deity that FOUNDED the empire? Tulius and Rikke worship talos. everyone worshipped talos and the thalmor didnt notice until Ulfric started whining about it.

thank you thered be no problems had ulfric not created them in the first place hes a little whiny damn brat that wants to be king and by sithis i fear for skyrims future in his hands not just the other races
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:32 am

no, thank you underking.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:52 am

I don't know what's going on in this argument, and it's probably incredibly stupid, biased, and pointless but I will say there are extremist groups for the other races. The New Black Panther Party (Note, not the old Black Panther Party) being one of them. Every race has [censored]s. We're all human, we're all capable of the same things.

I don't know much about the New Black Panther Party, but the old one with Huey wasn't the equivalent of a racial supremacist group. They fought for equal rights, spread their message in a non violent way, and tried to end many injustices in lower income neighborhoods including trying to stop the sell of drugs and giving out food. My main point was that Racist and hateful white groups are more active and violent than other groups in America
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:48 am

Considering the Leader of the rebellion, Jarl Ulfric, has confined all the dunmer to a slum and the argonians are forced to live outside the city working on the docks, imagine what would happen if he ruled all of skyrim?
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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:05 am

I don't know much about the New Black Panther Party, but the old one with Huey wasn't the equivalent of a racial supremacist group. They fought for equal rights, spread their message in a non violent way, and tried to end many injustices in lower income neighborhoods including trying to stop the sell of drugs and giving out food. My main point was that Racist and hateful white groups are more active and violent than other groups in America

I said not the Old Black Panther Party. They're civil rights leaders, and I respect them fully. Now, if you really want to go on about this, PM me and we can talk. I'm interested in discussions like this. Let's let the Skyrim forum stay the Skyrim forum, and not get banned by the moderators for a stupid race argument.
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:41 pm

Considering the Leader of the rebellion, Jarl Ulfric, has confined all the dunmer to a slum and the argonians are forced to live outside the city working on the docks, imagine what would happen if he ruled all of skyrim?

listen, i play as a Dunmer, and im proud of it. I hate Ulfric and i really do think he is racist, but the Dunmer got more than they should have from Windhelm. they may live in a slum, but at least they have a place to live.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:10 am

What I think is that people over use the word racist...
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:50 am

What I think is that people over use the word racist...

believing ones race is in some way better than others, and that you deserve better treatment than others because of it is racism
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:05 pm

PS: Argonians and Kajiit are made to be slaves, they like it, like the pets like to be pets.

This excuse was used in our past history, with rather negative outcomes .
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:57 pm

Okay, lets get one thing straight. The Empire is not the Thalmors puppet toy. They only signed the whit gold concordant to ensure that no more innocent civilians died, and so they could strengthen their forces for round 2. do you really think that The Empire is going to stop the worship of the deity that FOUNDED the empire? Tulius and Rikke worship talos. everyone worshipped talos and the thalmor didnt notice until Ulfric started whining about it.

It isn't black or white like that (and kudos to Beth for that). The Empire signed a treaty that was pretty much put them under the Thalmor heel. The Sovielves have full freedom of movement through Imperial territory, Imperial citizens can be arrested on a whim by Thalmor representatives and Hammerfell was essentially betrayed by the Empire when they cut ties. Furthermore, the White-Gold Concordat was signed not because the Empire was worried about civilians (they weren't), but because the Imperial army was in absolutely no shape to continue the fight against better equipped, better trained and more numerous than the equivalent Imperial legions. Read a copy of The Great War, it's pretty clear that the W-GC was signed because of necessity, not an "oh, civilians died, can't fight more!".

Khajiits always getting :gun: , :flamethrower: , :swear: or :meh: up....

Well, we keep coming back, a testament to our awesomeness. Oh, and the fact that we capitalize on everything in Skyrim, selling to both sides with relative impunity. :D

And no, neither Khajiiti, nor Argonians are made to be slaves. Not anymore than Redguards or Nords.

*sigh* Why must people bring up real world stuff?

Why can't we have a Stormcloak discussion, in pure fantasy context terms. >_<

Uh, because Skyrim was written by humans, who made a game about human-related matters, such as liberty, racism, loyalty, religion etc. I love how much more developed Skyrim feels in comparison with Oblivion and Fallout 3, which were pretty damn black-and-white in their handling of the matters: Skyrim finally brings the much needed ambiguity.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:50 pm

bretons and imperials didnt like redgaurds in oblivion.. i mean all redgaurds looks like everyother darker skinned human in oblivion. you literally even had a -5 to them liking you.
of the 3 human races. bredton imperial and redgaurd all considered human... what do they think nords are then? like uh... Taller long boned weirdos?

anyways the general concensus is that all races are racist in their own lands slightly against outsiders or races not similar. Nords arent even the natives of Skyrim the Orcs and forsaken are.
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