now thats somthing to think about i forgot about the forsworn damn ulfric is quite the hyporcrite no? what he feels the empire and the thalmor are doing to them the storm cloack did to the forsworn
There's a difference. The Jarl of Reach PAYED him to drive out the Forsworn, who had butchered their way into Markarth. He, and all his people, were promised free reign to worship Talos, something they had wanted.
When he accomplished that, and drove out the people who had SLAUGHTERED their way into the city, he was arrested. Not because he drove the Forsworn out, but because he was promised something that he couldn't receive.
The Stormcloaks are trying to rid themselves of the Thalmor, which can only be accomplished by leaving the Empire, so the White-Gold Concordant no longer applies. The reason why? Talos worship being banned, racial purgings (that's right, they're trying to stop the Thalmor from killing OTHER races besides Nords in Skyrim), etc.
They're getting off their asses and trying to actively save themselves from the Thalmor, by driving out the Empire which makes them perfectly allowed to be there. The Empire is biding it's time to strike when the iron is hot, but Skyrim is losing WAY more people every day they wait than any other province. Hammerfell showed that the Thalmor can be bested by a single province, and that's what the Stormcloaks intend to do.
Nowhere in their goals is racism involved. In fact, they're probably a bit anti-racist, in that they're driving out the Thalmor as quickly as possible. The Thalmor are, essentially, the Nazi party of TES. They butcher people for their beliefs, have an extreme supremacy complex, purge other races, and commit other atrocities.