yea they are, however since they're against the thalmor, which i loathe, i've "no choice" but to join them :celebration: i'd almost give anything to see thalmor being slaughtered.
Well, the Empire and the Thalmor aren't friends, not by a long shot, and a another great war will consume Tamriel once again. The rebellion only weakens the Empire further and lowers their chances against the prospering Thalmor who are only waiting to strike when the time is right. Skyrim won't be able to stand its ground against the Aldmeri Dominion on its own - heck, the Empire barely made it through the Great War, and that was only by signing a peace treaty that violated a lot of what the Empire stands for. Heed the Legion's words "The Stormcloaks sometimes like to forget, that the Empire is the only thing that stands between the Aldmeri Dominion and Skyrim". If you
really hate the Thalmor, and you should because they're tyrants and even more nazi than the Stormcloaks, you should join up with the Legion and help put down the rebellion so that Skyrim may begin to rebuild its strength against potential Thalmor aggression. The ban on the worship of Talos is temporary - Titus Mede II only signed the White-Gold Concordat so that the Empire could have time to rebuild its strength after the glorious Battle of the Red Ring.
1. Walk into Windhelm
2. Turn left
3. Find all the Dark Elves
There's your answer.
Umm... Have you been to Windhelm? The Gray Quater is on the east side of Windhelm... To the right when you walk in the main-gates.