Do you think this ruins gameplay?

Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:26 pm

I disagree completely. I stated the comparison between the two instances as they are indeed very different and should be viewed as such. That is not agreeing with any intent of the OP at all. The complaining didn't start until you misrepresented the discussion. Complaining about complainers is... well, complaining.

No matter how you may read into it, the discussion is about "powerleveling" and not about being "overpowered". I think you have those terms, as well as "thread" and "post", misconstrued.

?On a side note... I can only consider that last anology to be anything less than... anything at all. I'm not sure why I even acknowledge it's documentation.

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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:32 am

1) I have looted the chests for specific characters. It doesn't ruin my RP as that won't start til the character is what they are supposed to be. For example my newly created mage character ( who I won't actually "play" for awhile) Her RP say's she arrives on the docks in Solitude, the daughter of a well to do merchant... meaning she can't be in rag's. She won't be able to afford every spell, just the basics. Plus a horse.

2) I have never done any grinding, but I think it would spoil my fun as generally my characters don't lvl past 50.

3) I've only done that for Breezehome or Honeyside and usually with a character at lvl 15 or over.... all their money went for other things.

4) I think everyone is different. This is a one person game, the only person who can ruin a game is "yourself".

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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:56 am

Now, see. That is an interesting point. One that I wanted insight on how some of you continue to play, once you get your character maxed out. Or if you continue at all.

How much content do you generally complete when you reach a given character's level cap?

Or... How much of the game is left to do at that point?

Do you continue playing with that character?

Do you start a new one as their leveling has stopped?

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Marguerite Dabrin
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Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:32 pm

It ruins the game for me, but I can only make that call on a personal level.

It's not so bad in Skyrim because the scaling is getting more intelligent, but in Oblivion, you could basically miss 2/3 the content by power leveling. There are enemy types you wouldn't even see once you hit 25 or so.

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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Wed Sep 04, 2013 4:15 pm

Some of that said, I don't "add" skill's just to lvl up. If I realise that Restoration would be a good thing to have, for instance, during early RP then I will add it, generally I've only done that when I want to keep a particular follower. Derik had Erik as a follower from lvl 20 to the end. But I won't say... switch from 1h to 2h just to get the character to lvl.

I have stopped playing a character just because I no longer injoyed that play through... Dalhia, my "evil" assassin, I just wasnt having fun. She was lvl'ing evenly, at about 37.

This is just the way I play, to make it fun for me... been playing since release. I do go back to Oblivion once in a while and pull out my RDR character to play cards...yeah...goofy I know. I happen to like the five finger filet. But other than that, Skyrim.

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Emily Rose
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