Do you think It's worth getting F3 on PC for the mods after

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:10 am

...But is it really worth another 60 dollars? As much as mods might change the game, paying 60 dollars for a game you already have is not worth it.

I don't know if it's worth it to the OP, but for me it was worth it. I've learned how to use the GECK (some of it anyway) and have spent countless hours modding as well as all of the hours playing (just got done playing some to come in and comment). And I'm still playing because the game is a lot tougher because I'm playing with mods like MMM (new version released today) that make it a lot tougher than vanilla so it's more interesting than it was after playing for over 1000 hours on the 360. And sure, I'm playing parts of the game that I've played countless times before, but they are still fun for me in part because of mods. Ok, I have to be honest, mostly because of the mods. All new clothes, modded weapons, taking screenshots, going to pick up modded companions, hunting up modded NPCs that weren't in the game before, new and expanded locations, etc. It's all fun and different, which is really the point. It adds more hours of enjoyment. All worth the money to me. I can spend $10 on lunch and I've spent way more time on FO3 with the PC than the equivalent of six lunches.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:02 am

...But is it really worth another 60 dollars? As much as mods might change the game, paying 60 dollars for a game you already have is not worth it.

Two points. PC games are usually cheaper, and it's nowhere near the same game, unless you want it to be. Almost literally, any part of the game can be changed. Characters, guns, the world itself, dialogue, items. You could rip everything out and make an entirely new game, if you wanted to.
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:26 pm

It really is like a new game with the right mods. I would try to find the game cheaper if you can but it's definitely worth it.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:45 pm

It really is like a new game with the right mods. I would try to find the game cheaper if you can but it's definitely worth it.

What exactly are the right mods....if you don't mind divulging that information? FO3 Wanderers Edition looks very interesting, any other recommendations would be very helpful.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:43 am

Well, tons of opinions on that last question, Flakey.
Some would suggest FOOK2, others FWE, and other still either of those plus MMM. Mostly what it boils down to is personal choice.
I can't tell you what mods will change your game to the point where you have to wear a rubber while playing the game, but I can suggest looking at Those three mods I mentioned are the main overhauls. FOOK2 is a newer version of a mod called FOOK, which stands for Fall Out Overhaul Kit, FWE is Fallout Wanderers Edition, and MMM is Marts Mutant Mod.

I'm always one to suggest thinking about what you hate about vanilla, and then looking for mods to fix it. I hated the lack of cool weapons, so I added I hated how easy combat was, so I added for it's Increased Spawns option. When I added it, I leveled up way to fast, so I added

This is how it paned out for me: Add one mod, find another thing that could improve the game, add another mod, lather, rinse, repeat. Always Repeat.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:03 am


To sum this thread up.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:30 pm

I completed Fallout 3 in a marathon rental plus re-rental, and enjoyed it so much that I bought it for the PC knowing that the modding community (not to mention the ability to mod it myself) would make it worth my while. They did not disappoint.

Some recommended mods: I love quests, so I can recommend Puce Moose's mods, without reservation. Really amusing writing, with balanced rewards. Start with, and go on from there. A new radio station with atmospheric, sometimes downright creepy original music, and quests that help it blend right into the Capital Wasteland mythos.

DC Interiors has already been mentioned, but I just have to mention it as well. With this mod, the ruins of DC are transformed into thought-provoking, rewarding places to explore. So cool.

One annoyance remover I couldn't play without: . I just got rather tired of being ridiculed by scavengers for "disturbing" their precious tin can and debris collections. :laugh:

Anyway, good luck.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:08 pm

What exactly are the right mods....if you don't mind divulging that information? FO3 Wanderers Edition looks very interesting, any other recommendations would be very helpful.

I'm actually not using FWE, but Arwen's Realism Tweaks. Both mods make the game more challenging in their own (very different) ways.

But anyway, here are some mods that are pretty popular: Extends the Galaxy News Radio with 100 new great songs with the same style as the original songs. More buildings can be entered instead of being boarded up. Doesn't make everyone beautiful as the name might imply, but makes their faces more realistic. More monsters, randomized stats and different skin textures so that not everything looks the same, etc. Much better UI. Bit of a personal taste. Removes the green tint of the sky, and makes nights MUCH darker. I really like it.

There are mods that allow you to build robots with your science/repair skill, or recruit any NPC as a follower, or add a more complex slaver system. New houses, new quests, new companions, new weapons/armor, it all exists.
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:39 am

...But is it really worth another 60 dollars? As much as mods might change the game, paying 60 dollars for a game you already have is not worth it.

my friend it would be worth another 100 dollars!!! what are you waiting for go get it!!!
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:08 pm

I was in a similar position as you, last year; I had maybe ~100 hours of Fallout 3 of my PS3, but I've already been looking at what the mod scene had to give. At the time, I explained away the extra purchase with a Steam sale of the GOTY edition; the price of the GOTY edition was identical to as if I bought the five DLCs individually. So, for a price equal to all the DLCs, I had an exponential gain on my side: I buy the DLCs, I get Fallout 3 again without additional loss, have it on my (then recently upgraded) PC and get a hardware boost, and I can mod it for as much as I'm satisfied for.

But, in the end, it very much depends on what you actually want from mods, and applying them. I eventually grew tired of certain aspects of the game, and I saw that other people shared my sentiments.

As for what mods to use, it largely depends on you, but there are a few which are very fundamental to the game, even if you don't want anything else. generally optimises the GUI and makes it suitable for computer resolutions. is an autosaving mod, which autosaves in many more situations.

There's also a bunch of backbone mods, which are usually mentioned when it's needed - many use, which extends scripting capabilities. is a mod handler. fixes a number of bugs in the game.

When I started looking for mods, I also looked for a few reference lists, as a starting point. I know of, and

Also, don't forget that the whole point of mods is that you can tweak it yourself. is a third party program that lets you look at mod conflicts, and lets you fix and tweak them. It's somewhat simple to use, and there's a bunch of things I actually tweaked using this, not touching the GECK at all.
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:39 am

My computer can't run a game like that. It's probably time for a new graphics card. :sadvaultboy:
But anyway, as much as mods might change a game, the game is still Fallout 3, if you know what I mean. I would rather go out and buy a different game than buy a game I already own. In the end, it's your choice though. If you really feel like your missing something from the core game, by all means go out and get it.

But the thing is mods can make the game so it's not Fallout 3.

Do you want trees?
Do you want grass?
Do you want to play Halo while still playing Fallout?
Do you want a multitude of new creatures?
Do you want a nuclear winter?
Do you want a complete overhaul of Fallout?
Do you want a car?
Do you want a motorcycle?

Is it still Fallout? Yup.
Is it better than before? You betch'a.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:55 am

...But is it really worth another 60 dollars? As much as mods might change the game, paying 60 dollars for a game you already have is not worth it. :P i got lucky and snagged the goty edition for $25. done and done. :D
[[oops--already posted by zero1328]]
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:59 am

Thanks to difficulty mods I've been playing with my current character for 45 hours already, and I've only done about half of all the quests and I'm level 12. :P
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:57 pm

On the converse side, you really shouldn't pass opinion on something you are ignorant about. Someone who has already went from the x360 to the PC is the best outside reference on this matter, not someone who has not. This particular sub-forum is pretty PC-exclusive by nature, so it should have been expected...
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:31 pm

I would have to say "no". It would be one thing to buy it on PC after playing for maybe 20 hours on Xbox, but it's a whole other thing to buy it after playing it for hundreds of hours on different characters. Mods don't change the game nearly as much as some people would like to think, and usually it feels like cheating when you use them. Then again, this is coming from a guy who plays Fallout 3 on Xbox. :celebration:

That's probably not something you should be saying if you haven't actually tried it, though :P
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:05 pm

That's probably not something you should be saying if you haven't actually tried it, though :P

Well, I forgot that Fallout 3 was a Bethesda game, if you get what I mean. :fallout:
Plus didn't mean only Fallout 3, but all game mods in general. :whistling:
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:43 pm

Just in the Nexus, there are, as of now,:
307 new quest mods.
128 new lands mods.
1560 game effect change mods - a lot of these mods make the game actually much harder than the vanilla game.

Lots of those mods are patches or addons for other mods, translations, or tiny quest reward tweaks, or all sorts of this-is-my-first-mod-it-adds-an-uber-weapon-to-Springvale mods. People like using the quest section for WIPs/ideas too, so there are lots of empty files on there.

Don't get me wrong there are lots of great mods out there, but these statistics are rather meaningless.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:29 pm

A bunch of posts have disappeared. The OP started this thread to gauge whether folks think the game is worth a repurchase for PC or not. People said their piece and moved on...mostly. The OP then asked for some opinions about mods. Most folks said their piece and moved on. Other folks replied, and then stuck around to bicker with everyone who disagreed with them. And then there was the console bashing...

I am reopening this thread because I think people still have helpful, thoughtful, on-topic posts to make. But it will be closed if anyone begins to bash someone's choice of gaming platform, and stops being constructive.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:27 pm

Lots of those mods are patches or addons for other mods, translations, or tiny quest reward tweaks, or all sorts of this-is-my-first-mod-it-adds-an-uber-weapon-to-Springvale mods. People like using the quest section for WIPs/ideas too, so there are lots of empty files on there.

Don't get me wrong there are lots of great mods out there, but these statistics are rather meaningless.

I think even tiny quest reward tweaks and addons to other mods can positively alter the gaming experience; translations make mods more appealing to more people... I am not saying all of those mods are good - or actual mods for that matter :) -, but by the sheer number of them, one is bound to find a few really good ones, to one's own tastes.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:39 am

A bunch of posts have disappeared. The OP started this thread to gauge whether folks think the game is worth a repurchase for PC or not. People said their piece and moved on...mostly. The OP then asked for some opinions about mods. Most folks said their piece and moved on. Other folks replied, and then stuck around to bicker with everyone who disagreed with them. And then there was the console bashing...

I am reopening this thread because I think people still have helpful, thoughtful, on-topic posts to make. But it will be closed if anyone begins to bash someone's choice of gaming platform, and stops being constructive.

Hehe, sorry there. I feel like I'm the root of these problems. :celebration:
Hmm... Does this count as an on-topic post?
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Josh Dagreat
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:31 am

From personal experience, my PC motherboard fried about 9 months ago and every so often I get to borrow a family members laptop. I will have a new PC in about a week soooooooo .I have been playing FO3 and TES4 on the 360 and there is no comparison for me, playing games that use mods (PC) is the way to go, hands down.
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