What did Bethesda ever DO to you man? o.O"
You make absolutely no sense in your posts, and I'm objective here! seriously, what you are saying is practically: Bethesda runs a conspiracy to make their screenshots look better and is lying about everything they are saying, even though everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, and again, just to be clear, I mean everything, proves otherwise.
You may "think" this is an edited screenshot and won't be in-game, but you are completely and 100% with no doubt wrong. However, if you think it was just composed of a few screenshots attached together, then I would respond: "Yeah, possibly".
In any case this is a valid screenshot, it may not all fit in our screens, but it is in fact (100%) a valid screenshot.
If you want proof take a look at the Oblivion screenshot and Morrowind screenshot's section in the website and tell me that it's edited to look good.
Even if it looks different, point is that it is so "perfectly" placed (the sunset, the mountains, the clouds) because it was made by hand! DUH! the entire game is made by hand, and you'd expect some areas to look better than others, look at the trailer again and you'll notice some clips in it look entirely different from one another.
Point, /Case.