Why has Rping become so elitist?
Rping, to me is a game. A game which everyone I know who plays it; Enjoys it. Those that don't, tend to not play it really. Those that are good at it, are looked at as if they're some sort of Gaming Masters. And apparently, the gaming masters have to create an Rping Guide to suite them. To make them enjoy the game more, to make them stop getting so annoyed at the new gamers.
A guide like this... It's so strict. Why? Why stomp down peoples creativity, just because the Gaming Masters feel that this ruins their experience. What's a name got to do with anything? It's their character, not yours. I know that they might not be the most amazing names. But who really gives a [censored]? What does it mean to you? Do you look at one of the names and anger boils through your veins? (Note I'm presenting this post to all the members of the Rping community.) Because if so. Get a grip! It's a name! I've never had one, but that's because I don't want to have my character with one. But, that doesn't mean that I will get all angry at someone who has what.. Death Dealer for instance. I wont go; OMG! WH4T Is Th4t naM3?! It's Death Dealer! Get angry in it via Rp, don't make the gamer get flamed because of his imagination. It's not fair.
On skills, I disagree with you here, I believe that you can infact learn many types of skills, take Nightblades for instance or Battle mages. Seriously, who are we to say that a Khajiit wont be able to learn how to sneak, use a blade and fire balls of flame aswell? And age.. What? Elves can live to what.. 600 years old? And vampires are immortal save for death via pain/wound/illness. I don't get it, why create these rules, when you could simply outline all the possible outcomes. E.g. Instead of putting, "You can't be over 400, because that's just stupid" (Which I feel is a stupid comment in the first place.) but you could put up a list of races and their average life expectancies. Why try to dampen peoples Imagination with strict rules, when you could instead give them a list of things which would be more acceptable?
Uber, a topic which I have thought about more and more lately. Define it? I would define it as; The lack of ability to make a character reasonable in the eyes of the other gamers or the Rp Moderator. That is about as good as I'm going to get at defining it. And yes, I believe that to be true. One mans idea of Uber could be another mans idea of pretty noobish. I think everyone here, knows how to deal with Uber players, and on some occasions, they have been dealt with a kindness and the like. But sometimes, (I give you Kvatch Guardian) They were flamed by people who I respected on this forum, they were chastised and made fun out of. Kvatch Guardian left the forums if I am not mistaken. Something which I am deeply disappointed in. Why? Well.. Those who flamed him, thought themselves the Gaming Masters. When in reality.. They just made themselves look like idiots, damned fools who believe that because they can write better, post better or even make people like them better they have the power to tell others what to do, and how to do it.
Let me get back onto the thread before I trail off down a road that will only get me hated. This thread, I believe it's soul purpose is to try and change the Rping community, to make the community less "Noobish". But, all I see is a load of rules which are here to make peoples lives easier. Instead of trying to change the community to make it more varied and more entertaining we're restricting peoples imaginations to make it less varied and more strict. It's like frigging school! Now.. I for one hate school. Mainly because I dislike being told what to do but also because any form of Imagination is restricted to a few classes, and even then; you go overboard and people start marking you down.
So, what I'm reading from this is; "Follow these rules, and the Gaming Masters wont get angry at you!" well.. I for one feel this is just terrible. I am disgusted by this thread, it really is degrading to see a thread that tries to diminish peoples imagination by setting a load of rules.
On relationships. I have learnt a fair amount about them while being on this forum; I've been in a few that have only made me laugh and go, "Why?". Mainly because I don't really like Rping them, and because I'm really bad at Rping them. They always seem to end up going something like. *Have in depth discussion* *Have six* *Decide that my dude loves the woman* Which sure.. It can happen. But when it does, don't expect everyone to be all. *Thumbs up* about it.
But, to say that relationships shouldn't just spring up from alot of six is wrong. Some do, of course, these are much more lustful and often take place between two people who are rather horny or just enjoy six. Why should we say; NO!! HOW DARE YOU PORTRAY YOUR CHARACTER AS A [censored]! Yeah.. To think that someone can make the character they created a [censored].. That's just silly. :rolleyes:
And I believe you are making relationships out to be something epic. An Rp takes what.. Several months to finish? (Rp months) I think BoTA took about 8 months? (Real Life time) This made about 6 months Rping time maybe. And that was the longest Rp I've seen going for really. Other then Lorannas which I have no idea about.

So, really, relationships in Rps don't need to be filled with arguments, because they don't take very long until the Rp has finished.
On spelling, something which many people seem to get peeved off with. There are rather good spellcheckers that are free and are simply an addon for both Firefox and Internet Explorer. These simply add a spellchecker to a few input boxes within the webpage. And can do many languages. This will help people to correct their spelling and in the long run they will evidently stop spelling the words wrong. Here are the two links;
SpellBound is a port of the spellchecker code and user interface
from the Mozilla Suite's Composer that enables spell checking
in web forms such as html textarea / input elements (html input
password elements are not checked by SpellBound) and rich
text form elements. This allows you to spell check forms (e.g.
message board posts, blog entries, wysiwyg, etc.) before
submitting them when using your Mozilla Firefox or Mozilla Suite
ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, forums, blogs, diaries). Even if your web application already includes spell checking functionality, you might still want to install this utility because it is definitely much faster than a server-side solution. Plus you get to store and use your personal word list across all your applications, instead of maintaining separate ones on each application.
Sadly I feel that I should stop there, mainly because I don't want people hating me too much. I have probably lost alot of respect posting this, but I wasn't going to sit around and see this forum become elitist. I hope one day it wont be like that, and people will accept peoples imagination instead of trying to dumb it down.
That's my rant for now, perhaps soon I shall pick up on topics I have not posted about. I would also like to add I would of done a rant on Half Tooths Rping Guide but I didn't really have the guts back then. =/
Sorry Illusionary if this insults you, I have no real intention of doing so.