» Sun May 29, 2011 12:20 am
Okay, I haven't touched anything related to the Elder Scrolls in over a year now, and wasn't much of a loremaster to begin with. Let's see how I do..
8/10 on the Cyrodiil quiz. Better than I had expected, actually.
6/10 on the geography quiz. Which is just pathetic, really. I did realize I had the last question wrong before I was told so, though. Which only makes this seem even more foolish, now that I think about it.
I had to redo the metaphysics one, because it claimed I hadn't answered anything due to my internet connection failing all the time. Anyway, a 6.2/10 on the metaphysics, which is much, much better than I had expected. It is kind of pathetic I scored better on the metaphysics than I did on the geography, though.