If you're thinking of buying this game...

Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:10 am

I don't think these things are blown out of proportion, go and check the PS3 hardware forum. Lucky me that I've experienced these issues with FO3 GoTY, so I waited a while checking out the forums to make up my mind and it seems to me the PS3 version has the same problem reading the save file because in my opinion and from what I experienced the PS3 isn't build for these kinds of games. The way I see it is everything in Fallout that happens is tracked and goes into the save file this means as the save game file grows more of the RAM is consumed from the 256MB of RAM that is already under heavy pressure by the game engine resulting in that the PS3 has a hard time processing the data. This is why most people experience these freezes fairly late in the game. I think the way to solve this is to make some kind of partitioned saver in the game code itself. This will not be solved by a patch as so many of you guys hope.. that's my theory at least.

To come back to the blown out of proportion part, it really isn't. I wasn't too happy about FO3 GoTY either and there is something called:"Freedom of speech!", so I understand why people want to vent their anger or warn others. Is it always constructive? Well that's another question. Anyways I made up my mind since then and got Fallout for my pc. No major issues so far...
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Robert Jr
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:18 am

It crossed my mind but It's not like I'm playing on a custom built PC in somewhere like Kazakhstan. A Playstation 3 has the same capabilities and requirements, give or take a few GB of hard drive space, wherever you are. I'm assuming that the game discs are the same so I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that people are just keeping quiet, not bothering, or just putting up with .... the game as it is.

You'd think that the similar hardware would mean bugs would be uniform across the entire line, but this actually isn't true. Not all bugs are repeatable like that. If they were, it'd be a lot easier to fix bugs. :P
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:54 am

Well to put flesh on the bones I've had the following happen during PS3 Gameplay, on my updated 80GB system with 45GB free space;

Game crashes in free roam, just looking around.
Game crashes on fast travelling.
Game crashes in VATS
Game crashes while autosaving
Autosave file corrupted.
Player Character trapped in rocks - unable to fast travel as technically falling/jumping.
Enemies clipped in rocks, cannot be killed but can deal damage.
Enemies floating above terrain.
NPCs floating above terrain.
NPCs sat in thin air typing across the room from the desk and computer.
Companions floating above terrain.
Companions disappeared completely, reappear in next area.
Companions appear a long way from fast travel arrival point and running to meet.
Companions blocking doorway - couldn't tell the one behind to back up so had to reload.
NPCs, Enemies and Companions running on the spot into a wall / rock / other character.
VATS not selectable for a short time.
Weapon would not fire until re-equipped.
Waterline not rendered, terrain at waterline just blurred down to infinity.
Got locked out of the Strip randomly.
Quest Dialogs not updated or removed after completing one phase of quest.

These are the ones I can remember. I actually got to the point where I stopped registering some of these. These are completely separate from the myriad of gameplay issues that are just poor design such a twelve loadscreen mission steps in the strip that consist of more time at the load screen than actually playing. All in all, while the Fallout concept and general idea are great, This game is flawed, badly executed, buggy and these issues are not made up for by the few good points of the game.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:47 pm

You'd think that the similar hardware would mean bugs would be uniform across the entire line, but this actually isn't true. Not all bugs are repeatable like that. If they were, it'd be a lot easier to fix bugs. :P

Hence my point. The game itself is essentially broken if it cannot run correctly even on a uniform hardware configuration.
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John N
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:04 am

I have only had 1 freeze and minor graphical glitches in around 50 hours of game play I will not return my game ever.

Edit: On the Xbox Elite ~3 years old
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:59 am

These are completely separate from the myriad of gameplay issues that are just poor design such a twelve loadscreen mission steps in the strip that consist of more time at the load screen than actually playing.

Here is where hardware plays a big role.

I have an SSD, 4GB and load times are anywhere from 2/3s (of one) to just shy of 2 full revolutions of the roulette wheel. So what's that, 4 seconds?

The consoles are severally hardware limited as are some PC builds (IDE HDDS vs SSDs and RAM amounts/speed. More is better than faster for RAM.) so the load times are going to be long. They'll just get longer as the saves progress to, on any hardware.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:14 pm

Playing on PC here 40 hours so far and have encountered no game-breaking bugs so far. I've only had 2 crashes in those 40 hours once when i saved and the other just as i exited the game so no big deal.

It comes down to personal opinion and i would recommend this game to anyone who likes RPG games.
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:22 am

I was in the same boat as you guys on here saying that people are just whining and that I hadn't had any major bugs... But I just tried to play a few minutes ago and now my game freezes at the loading screen every single time. Now I'm stuck.. I can't return it and I know if I start over it'll just do the same thing.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:51 am

I disagree, you are probably one of the unlucky few that is also very vocal about it. There have been plenty of "I love this game" threads too. I'm sorry that you are having bad bugs, but I don't think you are in the majority.

I love this game but Obsidian should fire someone (the hole testing team) because this game was not tested not even for an hour.
You-re probably playing F3 because this game it's full of bugs. After one hour I erased it. Installed it again after the second patch...the first patch was another hour wasted. Curently struglling but the chinese water drop it's taking it's toll. i'm tired of saving. But i love it.
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:09 am


Why are people that are not playing Fallout: NV on the PS3 replying to bug issues that are on the PS3 board?

people.... if you're reading about bug problems here and DO NOT PLAY on the PS3 then look to your own sections (PC and XB360)

This is the PS3 subsection.

I am experiencing game crippling bugs and crashes on average about every 90-120 minutes of play time.

I have about 80 hours in the game and every day I wonder why I keep playing.

Simple.. it's a good game. It's immersive beyond my expectations.

But had I known about the bugs beforehand I would have waited a few more months in hopes of patches fixing most problems.

Again, this is a PS3 related concern. You experience may (and will) vary depending on platform and play style. Suffice to say the game is a gleamingly beautiful polished turd.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:25 pm


Why are people that are not playing Fallout: NV on the PS3 replying to bug issues that are on the PS3 board?

Because this post has been moved from the 'Fallout: New Vegas General Discussion' forum to this sub forum a couple of minutes ago. ;)
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:27 am

Do not buy this game. If you own it, I seriously recommend returning it immediately in protest at this pitiful excuse for a game.

Soooooooo because YOU don't like it, we should all take back the game for YOUR sake?

I think not. Boo hoo, they didn't cater to YOUR taste, get over yourself. They catered to mine, and I love the game. Having FO1, FO3 + expansions on both PS3 and PC and other similar games like ES:MW and Oblivion, I can safely say I really like this game.

Quit your pathetic whining.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:48 am

I haven't had one bad bug yet, all the ones I've seen are extremely minor, and the last time I saw one was more than 10 hours (of gameplay) ago, don't miss out on a great game because of one odd opinion.
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brian adkins
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:52 am

Soooooooo because YOU don't like it, we should all take back the game for YOUR sake?

I think not. Boo hoo, they didn't cater to YOUR taste, get over yourself. They catered to mine, and I love the game. Having FO1, FO3 + expansions on both PS3 and PC and other similar games like ES:MW and Oblivion, I can safely say I really like this game.

Quit your pathetic whining.

Moronically elongated vowels aside, my comment was a general one. The game is inescapably shoddy and I believe the best way of making this point and and making an impact to prevent future turd polishing by game studios is to return the game. I actually love the fallout series but I cannot escape what a poor quality piece of software this is. I do feel very strongly that a point needs to be made here. Nothing that I am suggesting is a whine or for my own sake. Blind dedication such as yours is one of the main problems in bringing this to the attention of developers in general. Next time your pitifully narrow mind decides it is a good idea to put words into the mouths of others. Stop think and maybe go and do something else instead. Perhaps reading my original post is a start.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:30 am

I don't know anything about the Hardware nor software used to power this game.
But what I do know is that I - as a hardcoe Fallout Lover - wouldn't even think about NOT buying this game...

The people who cán return this game are - in my point of view - no real addicts, it for one wouldn't cross my mind!

I trust the people at Bethesda to fix some of the most annoying bugs, but in such a huge enviroment I can easily walk around a radscorpion who's stuck in a rock, just close your eyes and keep on walking :disguise:
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:09 am

I'm sick of the PC elitists on this site. If I wanted to play it on PC, I would have bought it for PC. Quit making posts about how much better PC is then consoles, its rather annoying.
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:57 am

Yeah I'm a hardcoe fallout lover too and you know what? This has completely turned me off fallout. Fallout 2 was better than this. At least in Fallout 2 you didn't get stuck in the lucky 38 at one of the turning points of the game, whenever I try to exit into the strip I have a black screen with only audio.
I completely agree that its easy to ignore some of the bugs, like getting stuck in rocks or seeing a molerat fly through the sky, and yes it's a great game and its so compelling and immersive, UNTIL your exciting story comes to an abrupt halt. Starting a game like this I expect top be able to finish it.

The games overall quality without the bugs is why this is so annoying; If they had just released a finished game it would have been perfect, in reality the developers have only teased our minds in the cruelest way by saying "hey look at this awesome world we have constructed, go out and explore!" If they had told me what was coming I never would have bought this game. It's like reading a really good book, getting really addicted to it, and then right when you get to the main conflict in the story someone comes along and rips the rest of the pages out.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:05 pm

You played a "completely unplayable" game for 35 hours?

No offense intended, I just couldn't help myself :P.


don't be such a jack-ass, you know what he is talking about troll.
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:40 am

I disagree, you are probably one of the unlucky few that is also very vocal about it. There have been plenty of "I love this game" threads too. I'm sorry that you are having bad bugs, but I don't think you are in the majority.

not in the majority? is that a joke? have you even read all the problems people are going through due to all the game ruining bugs of this poor excuse for a game? gimme a break.
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:12 am

Soooooooo because YOU don't like it, we should all take back the game for YOUR sake?

I think not. Boo hoo, they didn't cater to YOUR taste, get over yourself. They catered to mine, and I love the game. Having FO1, FO3 + expansions on both PS3 and PC and other similar games like ES:MW and Oblivion, I can safely say I really like this game.

Quit your pathetic whining.

you are a moron of the highest order. who the hell are you to call the people 'whiners', who have shelled out their hard earned money for this game only to encounter constant freezes, quest stalling bugs, ect. that it takes away the enjoyment of the entire Fallout experience? i think the only thing pathetic here, is YOUR opinion, TROLL.
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evelina c
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:49 am

Given that the Boards haven't exploded, I think that it's the 'few' who are experiencing the major bugs and not the majority.
Yeah, that's why even the general discussion forum is being flooded with bug reports right?

Based on when the "Please read before posting" stickied threads were made, this "Fallout New Vegas Hardware and Software Issues" forum has being going since at least October 12th (19 days ago). And in that time there has been 3,671 threads made within it. That's over a third of the number of topics that have been created in the General Discussion forum, which has been open since at least January 27th (227 days ago if I'm not mistaken). That constitues an explosion in my book.

Not that the numbers even matter. If you can't see that the game's buggy state is the hot topic of the forum then you're either blind, unable to read, or in denial.
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Ria dell
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:20 am

I'm over 100 hours and still flawless.

100 hours on the PS3?
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:34 pm

I have had game-breaking glitches now every time i played it. For some reason, every time i go into new vegas my game freezes and requires me to turn off my system to get it unfrozen. So now i can't complete any quest that involves going to new vegas..... aka i can't finish the game. I tried re-installing the game data and that didn't help either. Please for the love of god fix these issues!!!
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:41 am

I'm sick of the PC elitists on this site. If I wanted to play it on PC, I would have bought it for PC. Quit making posts about how much better PC is then consoles, its rather annoying.

What, we're not allowed an opinion, just you?

I'm not an elitist. I just state the truth as I understand/see it.

The PC version is more fixable than the console versions. Agreed? (P.S. But the many variations of PCs leads to issues with the game the consoles don't have.)

(Most) PC's simply have the better hardware. (More RAM, faster drives.) So if load times bug someone on a console, a PC with an SSD is the way to go.

Now, if you (collective) like console gaming have at er. If you prefer PC's, again, have at er. You're welcome to play on whatever platform you please. Don't take such offense for something so trivial.
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Post » Sat Mar 13, 2010 7:29 am

well I'm glad so many are having "no problems" with their game...

however I can tell you that I popped the game in last night for the first time in more than a week and it updated to the latest patch..

about 20 minutes into my 'adventure' the game locked/crashed my PS3 and had to reboot... this is bs..

i have plenty of other games that work just fine... no crashes...

so whatever...

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