One thing I'd love to see is more variety when I've broken the law.
Hell even citizens should occasionally intercept a criminal if they don't feel their life is in danger.
If i've just been caught stealing a load of bread and a guard tells me to hault, then I sure hope there's more options for them rather than trying to end my worthless life..
If I run.. rugby tackle me! trip me up and poke me with a stick.. paralyse me with a spell and capture me...just please leave my head in tact please..
Perfect scenario... "Hey you stop!"... crap.. run!.. "Hault! criminal"... guards give chase to me through the town.. I'm dodging in and out of buildings... I'm starting to lose them... I can see the town gates!! freedom.. precious freedom... so close... *wallop*.... what the? *daze*... "Thank you citizen for helping us apprehend this thief"... *Dragged away to dungeon*...
Please offer us more options than just being killed Beth!