I know how the console works
Ill go and try this right now... Stendarr have mercy on Whiterun.
I know how the console works
Ill go and try this right now... Stendarr have mercy on Whiterun.
Blood... blood everywhere. They killed everything... thank god for tgm.
They were also killing each other as well I imagine. Nothing to start off a beautiful day then with a little chaos. Convenient that they de-spawn when killed too, lol.
You made Lord Dagon very happy mortal.
Ohh yea as soon as everyone in the market was gone they turned to each other.
I've always used Nexus, never Steam Workshop. There may be one or two mods on SW that I would like but for me it's too much of a pain to go about getting them. The only times I'm online with Steam is to browse the Store, download a new game, an expansion or for updates. Most of the time it's in offline mode.
I don't use NMM. I'm of the old crowd that was around when Wrye Bash was first released. I use WB for my load order, no auto-sorting stuff for me. I know what I'm doing and what goes where I use TES5Edit to make a merged patch or just to sort out any issues between mods, and create a patch if necessary.
Instead of packing large mods into fomods (could never figure how to use FOMM for Skyrim, I only use it as a BSA extractor) I package them into BSA's. http://www.creationkit.com/Archive.exe. It was pretty straight-forward.
Sure, I still get CTD's and full-screen lock-ups but it's not very often, and with a Beth game that's normal
I think I'm addicted to the mayhem they cause. I've literally spawned like 300 of them in each city and settlement, since I first found the code randomly by chance.
I don't know about the Steam Workshop. But load order is very important, some mods may not work. I suggest you download BOSS, it put's the mods in the proper order.
You can get it here: https://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/
The majority of my mods thus far are from Nexus, but I do have a few from the Steam Workshop. Not everyone uses Nexus and not everyone uses Steam workshop. Good mod practices go along way and with them, you don't need to necessarily stick to one place.
I mostly use Nexus but I used to use Steam workshop, I have about 20 mods on steam that I still use but if I'm going to download a mod I'll use Nexus.
I only download from Nexus. I haven't even visited the Workshop site.
I use solely Nexus. There's number of reasons not use SW, some of which Se?or Cinco already stated.
Nexus 99% of the time. Although I'll use the occasional workshop mod that's not on nexus.