» Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:07 pm
I just love how having a differing opinion, even one that can be based on supporting data is called "hating the game.”
I think most people are here because we want the game to be as good as it possibly can be, that cannot occur without feedback. What we as the player/purchasers see as potential benefits and pitfalls of certain choices should be discussed. All games are choices about what to make or not make or what to include and what to cut; yet in the end this game is being made for US. This is not some "puritanical" passion project for the people at Bethesda, this is a commercial product they want us to buy it. I would even say they are good enough artisans to want us to ENJOY what we bough not just stew silently about the choices.
Sometimes constructive criticism is painful. Sometimes there is no good spin that can be applied to a certain choice. In addition, when our criticism must be painfully constructive or and cannot be spun into sugar candy is exactly the times when we need to speak up.