do we wake up in the dwemer ruin with only the skills and knowledge we have in real life? In that case I am royally screwed.
We all might say "Oh I'll grab my sword, or cast some spells." If our real life selves woke up in a dwemer ruin... count down to 3,2,1 before we die. I would try and get to the nearest exit... if there was one. Depending on the dwemer ruin and the location we woke up in... we could be so far underground that we would go the wrong way. Sightless Pit for example. There is only one way out.
IF I was successful at say killing 1 falmer. I would dress in its clothes, cut of its ears... and cover myself in its blood. If I didn't puke all over the place from how gross this would be, I would then take its weapons which I would have NO skill in using and then try and find a way out, hoping I smelled just enough like them that they would think I was one of them. I'd probably have to kill the first one by hopefully surprising it and crushing it's skull with a rock.