OP, please explain "A huge DLC post game[already confirmed to be but put it in anyways to keeep the moaners happy]]". Cite your sources.
Bethesda Softworks has provided nothing aside from publishing. Bethesda Game Studios has provided their engine and Fallout 3 assets, this the similar appearance and re-usage of assets throughout New Vegas. IIRC Obsidian was told to make NV a unique game but in line graphically with Fallout 3
On topic. Id love to see San Diego, cus that's where I live. It would be awesome to make a house mod where I actually live in a game.
I m pretty sure he made a typing error on that.
So, you don t think Bethesda has had anyone for any reason from Bethesda Game Studios work on these dlc?
What about major bug fix patches? They have to help a little right? I mean they probably are more familiar with the engine than Obsidian.
I just always wondered if Bethesda helped, and if so how much......