Its not like we dont want to do the main questline, we just want to go off the beaten path sometimes ,grow our char,do sidequest's,go loot hunting,,etc Sorry to flame earlyer but this topic gets me heated because i feel that if u want the game to end then stop playing but let the ppl that want to keep on playing do so.
why does any one want a good thing to end, the end

honestly if they want the game to end they can quit after the main quest video, case closed.
Neither of you seem to understand the issue that I want to address. Basically you think that I should just pretend that my character died, ignoring the finale of the game completely. And then I can stop playing with this character. Not only does that guarantee that the ending of the game would be absolutely lame (to allow the PC to survive), my imagination is simply a terrible substitute to the cinematic quality that BGS can provide if they even try to facilitate my ideas to some degree.
This is over 200 posts now, so I'm going to open up a new topic which is closer to the matter that I'm trying to discuss.