» Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:16 pm
It may be controversial, but no. I love the finality lent to a story's climix by the death of my character. Not having to worry about working the player's survival into the ending also gives the developers more freedom in making variations on the game's ending. With this system your character could fail to defeat - or even side with - Alduin and it would make sense that you can't continue afterwards.
You also have to think of how epic the ending would be. When I am extremely drawn into a game's story I usually end up finishing it in the early hours of the morning because I haven't wanted to put the controller down. I feel that this level of awesome deserves a conclusion. There is a huge difference between "I faced Alduin at the Throat of the World when hope was lost and the apocalypse was nigh, and I threw down my life to save existence" and "I killed Alduin and survived lol now I'm going to go and do some mining". The former feels fitting; the latter falls terribly, terribly flat. Sure, the actual killing of Alduin might be amazingly climactic, but the epilogue of the game which shows you surviving and doing a bit of farming or a side quest just deflates that 'this is an epic finale' feeling and - for me - makes the ending of the game hollow.
There is also the itty bitty issue of what to even do after the MQ. Side quests, dungeon crawling, crafting, role playing... Side quests aside, everything in the game apart from the MQ holds attention for about two hours max. It is not fun to be a farmer for a bit who also sometimes loots dungeons. And if it is and people really want to do this with their characters I must ask: why can't you do it before you finish the MQ? If you're so certain that doing random crap with no overarching goal is a fit substitute for the MQ after you complete it, then why do the MQ at all? I could understand if people wanted to try out the various factions in the game after the MQ, but again I feel that the finality and epic quality given to the MQ by the ultimate sacrifice of the PC justifies forcing such people to just save before they finish the game and use that file to play around in Skyrim's sandbox.
Make no mistake: I love sandbox elements and I'm ecstatic to learn that there will be more in Skyrim. I just don't think that the quality of the MQ finale should suffer so that people can role play a smith after hunting dragons and defeating the ****ing god of time and invincibility.
Edit: perhaps a system like in DA:O, in which there was an optional variable to allow PC survival at the end of the MQ, would be best.