Sorry in advance if this has been posted already

would love to know everyones thoughts. Personally I hope you can so any side quests missed can be done.
My thoughts? It's an Elder Scrolls game,
of course there will be no real "end" and you'll play forever.
I edited my post on the previous page to respond to you, but I'm not sure if you saw it.Anyway, I have to question how much letting the player play the same character after the credits is fundamental to TES. It might be a recurring theme, but it doesn't add an 'OMG THIS IS EPIC' dimension to the game. What it does do, as Shades pointed out earlier, is completely neuter the endings to the games so that they're mediocre at best. Seems like a feature ripe for the cutting if you ask me.
No, but it adds repeat business from people addicted to that particular feature, and provokes extreme nerd rage when removed- note Fallout 3, and people's "OMG teh wurld haz ended, y duz tihs Beth gaem end??"
Indeed, it does neuter the conclusions to the main quests (let's be honest, calling them "endings" is giving them more than they deserve since
the game doesn't in fact end) something fierce, making them rather hollow at best. "Look! It's the Champion of Cyrodiil! Hey Champion,
I saw a mudcrab the other day..."
Ripe for the cutting? Yeah, you thought there was nerd rage about Fallout 3 actually ending? Put a real ending in an Elder Scrolls game and there's likely to be riots and a
death toll. Hello, evening news!
This is TES, not some average console game where you actually finish the game. Dumb poll
What do console games have to do with it? By and large most CRPGs made before consoles advanced beyond Mario games have endings.
How does Fallout fandom contribute to voting in this poll?
About the same way
"average console games" do- as an excuse for someone to bash something, and nothing more. :shrug: