Think different body sizes and also body types are confirmed.
If that's true, it'll be interesting to see how it effects armor/clothing/body modeling.
I know that the "one size fits all" thing in Morrowind & Oblivion was a direct result of the technology. And the fact that armor models didn't overlay
over the body parts, but actually replaced them. So to have different shaped bodies (not just the basic scale factor), you'd have needed to remodel every piece of clothing and armor in the game for each different body shape. Which was somewhat prohibitive budget-and-time-wise.
(Which is also why most games with true body-shape-set-by-sliders customization, most armor is just a spandex texture overlay with a few extra bits like pauldrons tacked on. A system that can alter the model mesh of the armor on the fly would take a bit of processing power....
