If it's not one mode, but rather different options you can choose from, I'm all for it.
So a customizable hardcoe mode, like the trials Bioware recently added to DA:I.
If it's not one mode, but rather different options you can choose from, I'm all for it.
So a customizable hardcoe mode, like the trials Bioware recently added to DA:I.
If it's just a mode why would anyone object? If you don't want to play that way just don't active that mode.
Because resources are finite. By them creating that mode, we are sacrificing something else. It may be they don't create a couple new food items. Or they don't add in a new weapon.
Look at what exactly hardcoe mode needs.
food items (not a big issue, since we are all sure those are already created)
Scripts (Keep track of time in game, to dictate when you need to eat/drink/whatever) - Potential source of nasty bugs
balancing (what does pre-war spam give you vs dog meat?)
Bug fixing If you create a new system, it might cause problems. For example, if there are any scenes that advance game time, what happens to your toon? If say you were near critical starvation, do you just die? Or do they pause the script, and resume it once you have control back?
Now, lets say your not interested in that mode. Do you want a dev to go through all of the above? Or create new enemy patrols, new weapons or etc?
edit: I also forgot, that the hardcoe would also need User interface adjustments to display the information, and perhaps even audio clues.
Eh. Whenever the gauge says to, shove a (food/water) into your character. No real challenge or interest there, just another repetitive task to perform every X minutes. It's not like food & drink didn't blanket the gameworld in FO3 and NV - even if I didn't have any when my character set out from home, the inventory would be full of it before too long.
Much better option would be to give some actual use to food & drink.... my FO3 character uses the stuff frequently, because there's a consumable overhaul included in one of the mods I use. So food & drink actually repairs a useful amount of HP (rather than the 5hp of vanilla). No need to have a UI meter light up every so often to force the issue out of some laughable attempt at "realism".
Give the player a real reason to want to eat & drink, instead of just "because it told me to."
I didn't vote.
I would have selected "sort of" if it were an option. I never played New Vegas without hardcoe mode on. That being said, the eating/drinking/sleeping part of it didn't interest me very much since it felt more like maintenance (ie uninteresting and a chore) than anything else. I used it because it gave ammo weight, made stimpaks heal over time and made it so that only doctor bags and hydra could heal limbs. Really, those are features I felt should have been part of the base game instead of tied to the other things. They weren't, though, so I had to deal with it all.
Do I want a so-called "hardcoe" mode? No.
But I'm fine with it being an optional part of the game for others who might want it.
Plays hardcoe mode, uses tgm. Lol, how many of you hardcoe players have done this? I did once and it was boring.
I voted yes, as long as its maintained as an option. Just because I love to play the hardcoe/Survival mode in FNV doesn't mean I think it needs to be forced on the people that see it as tedious.
And to be honest in FNV it was a little tedious because supplies in one shape or another were laying around practically everywhere. It seemed like every box or sack you stuck your hand into you'd pull out a bottle of water or a fancy lads snack cake.
The only change I would have liked to have seen would be that lack of food water and sleep having constant impact on your stats the way I think radiation is going to work in FO4, instead of suddenly "bang" you have 200 rads so you go instantly from feeling fine to radiation sickness.
Yes a hardcoe mode would be great. I would like to see some small changes compared to NV, make ammo and foodstuff a bit more scarce.
Starvation and dehydration aren't as much of a threat when clean(ish) food and drinks are found and acquired so readily and easily. And i rarely felt like i might be careful who or what i shoot because bullets were a limited commodity.
Voted I don't know: I did't like survival elements like needing to eat, drink and sleep in F:NV. I did like the ammo weight and gradually healing stimpaks. I would vote for a toggle option. If you choose all of them you get the hardcoe achievement for the achievement junkies out there if you beat the game start to finish.
I voted no because it's a mode I wouldn't play.
Once again tho, I have no problem with it being an optional feature in the game, as long as I don't have to play it.
I voted yes, only because I don't know how the "default" mode of FO4 is. In Fo1 and 2, Tactics, ammo had weight, then in 3, it didn't. Ammo should have weight, in the default system, imo, and not even be an option in hardcoe mode. It gets ridiculous to think of a guy walking around with 150 missiles for a rocket launcher along with 10,000 rounds of 5.56, etc.
As far as hardcoe mode, I like the ideas of healing over time, the need of med kits or an autodoc to heal crippled limbs, and added challenge to the default mode of the game, and I would hope they can improve upon the hardcoe mode from Vegas.
If its an eat, sleep and drink hardcoe that requires too much attention, than NO. If its done right with a decent balance than I will be happy and I may give it a go. I will probably be playing the game on a normal difficulty anyway and just eating and drinking and sleeping when I see fit. I can role play a living human, done it for 19 years so far so i think im pretty good at the basics.
Personally though, i would rather wait for mods. They are always done a bit better, such as how realistic you could make skyrim with different climates, penalties for getting wet, etc etc etc.
But i voted yes, even if it is terrible other people should be able to use it if they want to.
I'm sure Bethesda has put a hardcoe mode in Fallout 4 but just haven't said anything about it. Just like everything else, they're keeping pretty much everything under wraps. If for whatever reason they haven't, I'd expect it to be patched into the game a few months down the line once everyone has probably done a playthrough of the game.
I have searched for this unsuccessfully so if it has been asked before I apologise.
Will Fallout 4 have a hardcoe survival playing mode like New Vegas?
Been a number of discussions on it, not been confirmed in and many fear it's not. It could be something they will add in a patch though if not in at the start.
I think the "hardcoe" mode somehow got merged with the building mechanics. So that you need to find food and water, but for different reasons.
Keeping the town you build from starving or drying out.