the argument that because im a super wizard i should be able to do all this stuff is stupidly dumbified. i would like someone to explain to me how its ok for my character to cast illusions spells and charm spells all over the place and do sneak attacks but NPCs dont. the only examples of invisibility were the khajit from the bruma guild (who i accidentally ran into on accident when i was looting on my very first game) and the wood elf from the blackwater guild in the fighters guild questline. there was an invisible village but that was a curse by a sorceror. how come i didnt see necromancers casting invisiblity when they were fighting me. i saw chameleon once in a while but i could still see their shapes easily. why am i supposed to believed that of all the magicians and all the wizards some of which actually sell invisibility spells...........I AM PRACTICALLY THE ONLY ONE THAT USES IT.
@skullcrusher............ive cleared entire rooms of daedra that were several levels above me without taking a single hit by using invisie/sneak attack. i do agree though that 100% chameleon is the ultimate cheat spell.
The necromancers don't use it because they have spent their time studying and excelling in the necromantic branch of conjouration and of mysticism. Illusion is not their forte. Not every mage is an archmage. There are five very distinct schools of magic. The argument is not "dumbified" ( a word I do not believe actually exists, mind you).
The argument being proposed is that the game lore and the game world should defy itself for the game experience. That powerful wizards should not be able to do the things one would expect of a powerful wizard. . . because it could lead to the game being easier than it should be, by your estimation. That is the height of silliness. It is immersion breaking as well, in that it is incongrous with lore and with common sense.
Someone else said game designers shouldn't count on an honour system. . . but, frankly, the business of Game designers is that as many people as possible enjoy the games. They are not in the business of trying to police peoples games to make sure that they are equally hard for all players, or to ensure that all players play the game in a certain way.
What the "nix illusion" advocates are basically attempting to do is to encroach on other peoples games in order to make the game more pleasing to them, yet it is entirely uneccessary because the feature in question is OPTIONAL. What an authoritarian bunch some gamers are. Lol.
Also, I have had a number of encounters with vampires where they became invisible. It also occassionially happened with Daedra, and it happened during Botheia's tournament of Champions.
Anyway, if invisibility was really that powerful, it would work against the damned guards. Their omniscience more than balances the game. lol