Good god no. Having one companion is annoying enough with the awful AI. Having two would drive me to madness.
Good god no. Having one companion is annoying enough with the awful AI. Having two would drive me to madness.
Actually i wish to have one more companion when i'm exploring the wasteland, but not of course when i'm inside buildings. That would be terrible, specially for their low AI.
Thinking about it, I don't really care so much about having multiple companions with me all the time, but what I would like is that if I leave them together at a settlement, they would periodically have conversations and interact with each other in various ways. In fact, I would kind of like it if settlers in general did that, even if it ended up being similar to Oblivion's "I saw a mudcrab the other day." "Yes, horrible creatures."
companion controls are Better then other fallout games but still i a total failure
they just don't work
- u can't issue commands , BECAUSE u can't find them , where are they ? - get [censored] on
- when they actually move into position they pass in front of u and stop then the dialogue screen appears - get [censored] on
- after i turn to the companion to issue the command + turn away so the dialogue wheel doesn't appear , he goes there AND , come back after 1 sec - get [censored] on
- and even after i jump thru these 3 rings of fire and EVERYTHING works - get [censored] on , they don't stay there , they run and hide somewhere , that works well when u expect them to support u vs melee enemies
i recommend the following changes:
1) a button that does two things - if clicked on the ground they move into position and hold ground
- if clicked on enemy they concentrate fire on it
2) a second button to return back to u and resume it's normal use cover if not given specific commands
Babysitting one companion is already enough thank you very much... Also makes the game too easy, as it seems companions draw aggro like crazy.
I voted no. I'm tired of Strong stealing my damn XP before I can get enough damage on a Raider to get credit for the kill.
Only if they fix the utterly rubbish AI first.
It would be extremely irritating to see a bunch of followers running into opened doors instead of through the doorway, into doorways instead of through the doorways, running into walls, running against a small obstacle instead of around it or jump over it, not following commands exactly (stay means stay, "go there" means go there and not "go there and come back"), follower means follow behind me not run in front of me or cross my line of fire, zero situation awareness (always pointing the weapon in the wrong direction). etc etc
Actually, if a companion makes a kill, you get the XP.
In Skyrim, I ran amod that allowed me I think 16 companions, though I never (that I can recall) used more than two at a time. the AI wasn't appreciably better than that in FO4, but there were surprisingly few problems. For me, I'd like to have Cait or Nick for c0ompanions, but it irritates me that I have to give Dogmeat the boot whether I want to or not. I think what I really want is for the choice to be mine, not some dev who has worries and issues about unbalancing the game.
I don't care, I just want to more quests with Paladin Danse <3 (yes, yes, I'm a woman, blablabla )
vote: to get 2 heads in my scope while using a sniper rifle? no, thank you
I quite like AI of companions, esp. how they now use the free time while you are busy with some mechanics, and how you can command them, but there is 1 moment when they come to you, but they do not turn around into the same direction as you are, the worst are corners...
No thanks. One companion is enough for things to get crowded in buildings with the horribly AI and pathing they have. Oh sometimes I do wish they weren't immortal when they stop in the middle of a door, GRRR!!
You left out the third choice: "Hell no, I don't want any companions. They totally svck!" Put me in for that one.
Not only no but hell no !!!!!!!! lol my reasoning is such one companion is always in my way or getting in my way I don't want twice the headache. but as far as allowing it in game sure I have no probs w/ it
If they would interact with each other entertaining, yes.
I don't understand people voting for NO for something that would be optional anyway. Like 'I wouldn't use it so I don't see why anyone else should'.
I get the feeling that if, for some reason, it came to a vote for whether it would actually be in the game or not, some of you would actually vote NO?!?!?!
It's not as if the game would force you to take more than one companion with you.
If you vote no you are saying that even though it would be a completely optional feature you'd rather it wasn't implemented so even people who want to use and enjoy it can't. But you don't think about or give a F**K about those people. If your not hungry, nobody else gets to eat right?
40 people in this forum voted 'NO'.
Even if I though it was a useless idea I would still have voted yes. Because I can think of other people.
Well actually, yes it could. If Bethesda decides that most people will want to have three companions, then they could very well balance the game with three companions in mind, thus making encounters excessively difficult or impossible for players who don't want to use so many companions. It then becomes a party-based game where playing solo is something that people do for extra challenge rather than the norm.
With that said, I'm not totally against the idea even though I voted no, but there would need to be a number of changes to companion AI and the way the game works before it becomes anything more than a mod idea. (I have a Fallout 3 game where I have four companions, and it is fun since I've already played the game "legitimately" numerous times and am using them for RP purposes, but it would be ridiculous for it to be the norm with no other changes to the game.)
No, they block door way too often, it's hard to balance difficulty around having more companions. It creates a lack of connection with the person you're bringing with. I'm fine with having one person, unless bringing other people would create more banters. I like to see Piper and Cait bicker over nonsense or Danse and Deacon practice their straight man-funny man routine.
What you're asking for is already possible with mods.
I find it odd that there is a regression in this gameplay element, previous games allowed two companions.
I want 2 companions just so they can banter back and forth and entertain me. Characters make the story more interesting.
I don't care about companions in combat, they are just there to take out the radroaches I don't want to be bothered with. Give me a companion that is a medic or something that will hide during a fire fight.