Do You Want More Than One Companion on Missions?

Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:17 pm

I don't really want more people following me around the Commonwealth.

I would like to be able to interact with the ones that are not following me. I would like to be able to trade, equip, and relocate them when they are not following me. I would like to be able to send them to a settlement, with no regard to the charisma cap.

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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:26 pm


The poll question is "Do YOU want the option." Not "Do you want the option for other people."

I don't want the option, so I voted no. I have no objection to other people having it, but that wasn't the question.

If both "yes I want it" and "no I don't want it, but it would be nice for other people" are contained with the "yes" response, then the poll doesn't really MEAN anything.

Put some thought into what's really going on before you start suggesting people who voted no don't think about people other than themselves.
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Soku Nyorah
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:05 am

I would have picked "sometimes" as neither "yes" nor "no" reflect my preference for this poll. It's the same issue that keeps cropping up in modern games: lack of options. After all, not all missions are the same.

There are some missions (not all) where more than one companion would seem to fit but which mission this applies to I would expect varies from one player to the next. I think that the option for the player to choose when this is most appropriate is something I'd like to see.

The advantage with options is they're no skin off the noses of those who don't want them while delivering what others want.

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:52 am

If the game allowed for more than one companion, as well as provided better AI options (such as the ability to send your current follower(s) to clear out the location ahead of you - perhaps via a particular assigned path for a given location), I would be all for using companions more frequently. As it stands, I mostly just use them to obtain their perks and then leave them at home unless they're needed for a given mission.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:01 am

Yes I'd like more pack mules.......I mean multiple companions. Actually I'd like the woman selling Brahmin to be actually selling pack Brahmin that could follow me around so I could really loot an area. They would probably have to wait outside buildings though, since it can get annoying getting blocked in by the caravan Brahmin.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:11 am

Not all the time. I feel you have to get like 30%-40% damage on enemies to get the XP. There have been numerous times where Strong has one-shotted an enemy or Piper engaged a separate target than I, only to finish it off before i got there and I get no credit.

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Bereket Fekadu
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:26 am

lol its not that I don't want it for other people. But that wasn't the option, so I voted NO, as in, "No i wouldn't use it and if the developers can focus on something else or add an even more useful feature, i would prefer that."

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:13 pm

Yes. I want two. One humanoid and one other..Just like previous games.

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Chloe Mayo
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:20 am

This, though our non-humonoid selection is rather nominal.

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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:25 am

Used to be you 1 follower and Dogmeat in FO3 and in FNV 1 follower and Dogmeat or ED, i miss that. Easier to haul loot and such if they made it that it were 2 followers in general id love it. 2 separate opinions on decisions you make could help a lot. And you could have it so certain people refuse to travel together i.e Danse with Strong/X6/Hancock, Deacon with Danse/X6, X6 with Strong/Danse/Hancock etc. X6 would only be the main antihero of the group thusly low tolerance. MacCready/Cait/Hancock/Strong/Piper/Nick/Codsworth/Curie would have little issue with each other. Danse could be Chaotic good thus also low tolerance since hes open hostile to certain people, some would bear with him. Deacon would ally with anyone except Danse and X6 obvious reasons

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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 7:11 am

They will on occasion interact with each other when you are switching companions. One of my favorites is taking Cait on as companion when you have dogmeat. She will say something along the lines of "Son't look at me that way, ya dirty molerat." She also flirts with Piper on occasion when switching between them.

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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 7:34 pm

Nope, Companions just get in my way all the time, hopping directly in front of my gun just as I line up a shot on the enemy. When I am trying to be stealthy, they are the ones who run ahead and get spotted. I usually stick with them and endure their foolishness just to see their storylines completed and then I dump them at the nearest settlement.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:33 am

Or the classic "Seen any elves lately? (Uncontrollable laughter)" When talking to Nords to Morrowind. I love random banter.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:17 am

Yes. Dogmeat +1.

While I would love the group dynamic like we got in Dragon Age, at the moment I would just like Dogmeat + a companion. Most of the companions are pretty useless to me except Dogmeat (perked out, of course), but I do like Codsworth, Strong and Curie (before transition).

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Killer McCracken
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:58 am

Danse is lawful good, he dislikes all illegal actions, even killing ghouls would make him hate you, and like to help people even ghouls, MacCready is more chaotic since he likes to do illegal stuffs as long as you don't get caught. I figure he wouldn't mind travel with most companions, except for X-6, especially after his persona quest. I don't want it to be implemented either ways though, I would love to hear banter between the companions, swapping is not enough.

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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:35 am

And don't forget that gettin' nekkid raises your affinity with a lot of companions. My girl walked around her place in her skivvies for about an hour yesterday and both MacReady and Preston seemed to enjoy it very much.

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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:27 am

lol only works with women

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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 3:21 am

The point is that it wasn't designed as a "party" game? (unlike, say, the typical 6-person D&D adventure, or Bioware's adventurer-trio games, etc....)


Personally, I haven't played with one companion yet. I'll have to give it a try next character, so I can hear some of the color commentary from them, but I doubt it'll become a regular thing. They're just too annoying in Beth games.

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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 2:32 am

No. I don't want to bring two companions with opposing views because I don't want to have "the talk".
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Laura Richards
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 10:16 am

In Skyrim i really enjoyed to see when my 4 Dremora Lords slaughtering all Enemies in Sight while i was reading a Book. In Fallout they should all die. Blocking Doors, destroying Stealth. Cant Shut up while i talk to a NPC or running into my Shooting Line, always!

Damn i miss my Dremora Lords... They knew how to Fight, their Words/Sentence were cool and they looked badass.

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Jason Wolf
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:42 pm

Yes, but they need to improve the AI big time... l would love that Half life Wow again, those fraking soldiers where awesome , all that way back in time. l did get a little oooo with radiant AI , they sleep ooo there eating to ooo, Come on beth gods give us a big Wow with some awesome AI.

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meghan lock
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:10 am

...or blocking doors, stairs, everything.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Thu Jan 21, 2016 8:42 pm

As it is they are annoying enough on their own, but with some improvements to the V.I. (I prefer the term virtual intelligence) it could be fun to have a small team (up to three) with you. The banter alone could make it worthwile, not to mention the extra carry capacity. I greatly enjoyed having a team with me in games such as Mass Effect, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas, but of course those are very different games than than Fallout or any of Bethesda's titles. Regardless, if it were properly executed it could fit within Fallout, especially perhaps Fallout 4. Let us also not forget Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel. Either way Fallout 4 would need to balance well both for players with a team and players that travel alone, but at this moment it does not balance well regardless of what style of play you prefer. Though Bethesda does not manage balance well anyway, and I am fine with that (else I would not have been playing so many of their games for so long).

One more statement, it might be excessive, but I alweys envishioned myself leading a fire team epuipped with power armor and complementary weapons deploying from a vertibird into an encampent of hostiles (in more than just story missions). That of course could just be my inner BoS Paladin speaking.

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Samantha Wood
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Post » Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:00 am

Maybe if Bethesda would work on their pathing problems. I'm having trouble enough keeping one companion under control. I took Preston Carvey with me to do that first Brotherhood quest with Paladin Danse and that was a huge mistake.

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